:!: I received a Happy Birthday phone call from my brother Mikey tonight and I guess he had a rough weekend with this assassination. His daughter (my niece) Brittany is a nurse at that hospital in Tucson. She was working in the cardiac ward when she got orders to help clear out everything for TEN incoming gunshot wounds to the head! Mikey and his wife were in panic mode, watching the tv news, until they finally heard from her. She (Brittany) also lives in that area and shops at that shopping center... ..........JO'Co
This... all day this.. I didn't even read the whole thread. This is all that need be said... well that, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
What a disgraceful show today at the "memorial" in Tucson. Why do the Democrats have to turn every funeral into a campaign rally? The program: (USA Today) — President Obama will keynote tonight’s memorial ceremony for the Arizona shooting victims, entitled Together We Thrive: Tucson and America. The program also features remarks by other government officials as well as the president and a student from University of Arizona, which is hosting the event. It starts at 6 p.m. Tucson time — 8 p.m. ET — and is expected to last about an hour. Obama “will devote a significant portion of his remarks to the memory of the victims,” said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. “He’ll also reflect on how all of us might best honor their memory in our own lives.” The schedule for tonight’s event, as released by the University of Arizona: – Opening music – Native American blessing – Welcome by UA President Robert N. Shelton – Playing of the National Anthem – Remarks by President Shelton – Remarks by UA Student – Remarks by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer – Remarks by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano – Remarks by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder – Remarks by President Obama – Moment of silence What a circus. After the embarrassing invocation by some half-Indian whom the pundits here are calling Chief Shut-the-F**k-Up, they paraded the whole liberal menagerie before the nation to urge everyone who had nothing to do with this to be more civil to the criminals who're stealing our liberties...
President Truman already tried that Dave. That's why when all Marines take a leak, we refer to it as "Shedding a tear for Harry Truman". We're not a police Force, we're a Force of readiness. Tenn Tom previously illustrated for us the importance of the 2nd amendment. He easily could've lost his life or been seriously injured by the would be mugger in the parking lot that day. Tucson was a tragic event, but I agree with several others on this board in that I don't understand why this kid is still above ground. I love the part in the original Death Wish movie where they're talking about the crime stats since the Vigilante has been doing his thing. We have a saying in the Marines for that......F--K around F--K around, pretty soon you won't be around. Toby Keith's song with Willie Nelson, "Beer for my Horse's" is a motivating tune who's lyrics I happen to applaud. Yeah, i'm easily swayed by old school ways.....but then again, you knew there were going to be problems when we took 10 simple commandments and added a constitution with 126 ammendments.
I've stayed away from this topic out of respect for those that believe different than I. I will stay out for that reason. Thanks AJ.
"Legislation banning the kind of multiple-round ammunition magazine used shootings was introduced Tuesday evening in the U.S. House. Democratic Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of New York introduced the measure banning "large capacity" ammunition magazines, defined as those that hold more than 10 rounds. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey, will introduce similar legislation in the Senate later this month. "I know what it's like to have tragedy brought to your life in a split-second by a madman with high-capacity ammunition magazines," said McCarthy, whose husband was killed and son seriously wounded by a gunman on the Long Island Railroad in 1993. "I'm working to stop it from happening again." Is this a bad idea? Good idea? Does every American....wacko or not have the constitutional right to possess the capability of mowing down in cold blood anyone he chooses with multiple magazine cartridges? This is getting so maybe the best idea of the far right is we all hole up....stock up on a plethora of weapons to defend our hole.....refuse to pay taxes and shoot on sight anyone who needs health care, unemployment or any state assistance whatsoever. Whaddya think......sound right to you??? :roll:
Well intentioned no doubt, and no doubt people would have still died if his mag had only held 10 rounds, including the Congresswoman. Not exactly sure how fast one can eject a mag and load another one, but if he had been limited to 10 rounds he'd likely have practiced that and been able to do a lot more damage than the 10 rounds. Would you support single shot only hand guns?
8) On 9/11 a few Arab terrorists killed 3,000 people and all they used were boxcutters. Being a former boxboy, I know that all boxcutters have compartments in the handle to carry extra blades. If we limited each boxcutter to a maximum of three blades, would this reduce the number of innocent people killed in Arab terrorist attacks? Or should we just arrest all the boxboys?
Terry and Jo'Co you exemplify the problem we have in America. You know it makes sense....may save lives and yet because the far right is against it....so are you.
No MCG Yoe exemplify the problem. You always want to blame someone else for what happens. The answer never is that sometimes bad things happen. And taking away the rights of law abiding citizens will not stop the bad guys from finding a way to succeed at any task they decide is worth the trouble. If one person was legally carrying a gun at that rally, this crazy idiot's rampage could have been stopped and the damage mitigated. But, let's not think that. Let's just put another law in place that criminals will not follow and will find a way around. Yeah, that's the ticket. Another law will fix everything.
Making assault weapons more accessible to crazies rather than less accessible just seems irresponsible and ludicrous.
As legal and easy as it is now to acquire weapons the point is there is no one in the audience packing and able and willing. The ones who seek to acquire weapons for terrible purposes seem to be those that are packing. How is keeping it so legal to acquire assualt weapons going to inspire would be sheriffs to get concealed weapons permits and go packing in public just looking for the chance to be a hero?
Dave, Your heart is in the right place and I applaud you for that. Is there a need for the average Joe to purchase an assault weapon, no...But we are not talking assault weapon here, this was your average semi automatic pistol with a clip that held more ammunition than the stock model. Did the extra clip kill the people, no it would not have mattered. This was a very unstable kid who intended harm no matter the weapon of choice. We are such a reactionary society in America that it retards us of any pure thought process. You would have to agree that there are already so many laws on the books to control the citizens of America that we are regulated in every move we make. The answer is to enforce the numerous laws already in place that cover this situation and every other situation that comes up in society. This always and I mean "ALWAYS" grabs the headlines and some senator or politician is announcing the next day by God I want to pass a law that bans this or that. There are so many injustices in the world that cause death that are blatantly ignored because it goes against the grain of what keeps our country going and would not be good for the whole. Where is the outrage then??? I am sorry for the tragedy that happened and my heart goes out for those who have suffered loss. But I ask you this, if this shooter did not harm or kill a person involved with government do you think it would still be in the headlines. If a similar shooting took place in Tampa involving the average Joe we would not see the President and others mention a word about it. If the outrage on something like this is real then why don't we hear the telling tales of other gun incidents with 24 hours of coverage. Hell NPR news had two days of discussion on what the President should say and how it would make him more Presidential to the country... Dave I own guns, matter of fact I have a gun in my vehicle at all times. I use it on the farm to control wildlife that destroys property. Does everyone have the right to own a gun, no but thats why we go through the process of paperwork and background checks to verify the person. Does everyone have the right to own a razor or knife or baseball bat, all of these are potential weapons. If all the guns were suddenly outlawed in America do you think all the guns would go away?? Would criminals walk up and lay there guns in a box at the court house. If the speed limit is 55 mph does that mean everyone is going 55??? :?:
Even without Giffords a 9 year old girl was killed along with several others and many wounded. It would still be in nation's conscience much like the KC postal shootings. The shooter got off 31 shots very quickly. 6-8 shots I could see but 31?? Seems a little too lethal to me and unnecessary.
You're bringing me back into this crap and it won't end any way but ugly. I am so tired of you shooting your fool mouth off without knowing a single thing about what you are talking about. Example: Define assault weapons. The first fact that makes a rifle an assault weapon is that it is AUTOMATIC, not Semi-Automatic, but fully Automatic. That is how the ATF defines assault weapon. You call a AR-15 and assault weapon because it fits the sillouette defined as a assault weapon by the scared shitess panty waste Liberals. There... you did it. I tried to stay on the sidelines but you pulled the trigger on that assault rifle!
Dave you seem to assume that if he had been limited to a 10 shot magazine that fewer would have been injured/killed. Ye he could have come with multiple magazines and just reloaded very quickly. My quibble with Liberals and anti-gun types (remember I don't own a gun and have never shot a gun) is that they always assume that more laws would prevent gun related crimes. They always seem to assume that they can through laws prevent tragedies. Yet no matter how many laws we have on the books we always have tragedies. Just recently a man lost his job, he went home and shot his wife and two kids and commited suicide he had a 6 shot revolver. What law would have prevented that?
Fact is he had 31 shots and I didn't call it a rifle. I understand he was tackled and subdued as he went to reload another magazine. My question is......who needs 31 shots and why do we make it so easy for an individual who is so freakin crazy he gets kicked out of Junior College to purchase a gun with 31 shots one month before his berserk rampage?? Seems like reasonable questions to ask.
Crazies and bad guys will always have ready access to guns. To me, the question is should we all be carrying guns? Here in NJ, three miles from my house, a Lakewood patrolman was executed as he sat in his cruiser by a black kid who apparently is in the Bloods street gang. Three shots to the head-point blank. My youngest son went to school with him. The viewing is going on right now. The funeral home is being guarded by SWAT teams as the Bloods have now put out a bounty on all police since they had the audacity to arrest one of the gang. Tomorrow at the church they will have snipers on the roof of the church. My oldest son is packing so much heat that I'm not sure how he can walk. And I'm scared out of my wits for him. The old saying, "I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six" seems to apply.
AMEN, George. So let's explore this without emotion... pointing at myself here. We allow laws to be passed that remove guns from the hands of legal citizens. Where do the crazies get the guns? On the street from the criminals that care not what a law says. They charge 10 times the normal street price because they are now the only source. Now the criminals are better funded than our police departments. So let's just say that amazingly, these laws do curb death by gun violence. Never has before. What's next? Then crazy people resort to running people over, plowing through packs of people killing 15 at a time with their rampage. Do we then start campaigning to outlaw cars? They are being used by crazies to kill people. There isn't even a background check to buy a car. Zero down and low payments. Hell, he's planning on leaving this world that day anyway... make it a Cadi. Die in comfort. We as American Citizens have to draw the line as to where we will allow our civil liberties to be taken. Think of everything that could be used to kill a lot of people quickly. Are you willing to lose everything? Where do you draw that line?