As a young boy I was a Brooklyn Dodger fan. In 1955 when I was still 8 yrs. old I remember the pastor of our parish getting on the school loud speaker and announcing that because the Dodgers had won the World Series there would be no school the following day. Needless to say, I wasn't the only one in that Queens parish that became a Brooklyn fan that day. Then came 1958 and the move to LA. I followed the Dodgers for a while. I followed Maury Wills' assault on the stolen base record. By 61 like everyone else in the city I was caught up in the run by Mantle and Maris at the Babe's sacred 60. Then came a cold rainy day in April '62 when the Pirates were hosted by the new kids in town at the ancient Polo Grounds. I remember a few things about that day. The Mets lost, the loudest fan reaction of the day was the booing of mayor Robert Wagner and shivering badly on the subway on the way home. I had a fever of 104. I'll never forget the rush when the Miracle Mets won in '69. The only fans who could know that joy are Cubs and Lions fans. Probably not in my lifetime.
Sid, Actually no. They are not always sold out. A more accurate statement would have been that they sell more than 4 mil tickets per season. Those expensive seats are mostly if not all owned corporately. And they are empty a lot. I think even if your seats are free the tolls, parking and concessions would probably run you $100-200 bucks. What most people do at Yankee Stadium is buy stand room tickets and just walk around the whole game. There is a lot do at the concourse level. I have a customer who owns a large interstate trucking company near Newark airport. For the lat two years she has been more famous for being the girlfriend of Paul McCartney. I talk to her three-four times a year. She has four seats in the front row right behind home plate. One game I was watching her, McCartney and Jack Nicholson sitting there with an empty seat next to her. Now you'd think she would invite me, wouldn't you? 8) By the way, Mets are fans are mainly Yankee fans who couldn't get tickets to the Stadium.
JIF's old buddy Mike Francesa on WFAN is taking the Red Sox to task on the air this afternoon. He claims they over paid for Carl Crawford to the tune of $5-7 mil per year. What say you, JIF?
he might be right considering Carl is only a 15 Home run man...but they wanted him in the fold, and wanted him before NY got any ideas
Jif, Drayton McLain is selling the Astros what do you say about you and I going together and buying them. With your baseball acumen and your money we'd make a dynamic ownership duo!
George...No one listen's to that Yankee schill. Most annoying guy on sports radio except Evan and Beningo. It's overpaid b/c the Yanks didn't get him. "Say-it-so-cessa" is so hard to listen to, mostly with his "my sources" talk.
Re: Francesa He is annoying and I don't like him because he mistreats his callers. But to say no one listens to him is incorrect. If there is a sports talk host with more listeners I'd like to know who it is.