I'm with the "western guys"! An Alabama win makes certain my Aggies don't run into Stanford in a bowl. ROLL TIDE!
Play stanford and you stand to win two competitions: the game and the half time show. Stanford band can't stand up to the Aggies... guaranteed.
It's that whole oversigning thing....the NCAA needs to get a handle on this and apply some uniform guidelines for all. It can provide a meaningful competitive disadvantage for those that are more limited in its practice by conference rules, etc. It's understandable that there will be some attrition from the number signed for whatever reason, but everybody should be playing on a level field.....
I don't think any team can count a victory against Stanford in advance. I would like to see Bama spank Auburn and Boise State do the same thing to Nevada. That would make things interesting.
Okay, Terry and T, You know it's ironic, the "players" can make these allegations but the university cannot respond about specific individuals, so I guess the investigative reporters just don't want to know what the players actually did. Hey not one comment about our Rhodes Scholar applicant or his selection as Scholar/Athlete of the Year. Interesting? But hey Terry, if my team was having the year your team(s) were having I wouldn't want to talk about them either. 8)
I actually did mean to give Greg the kudos he deserves for not just being a good football player but an outstanding student!
I can't believe how that game turned out. I thought it was going to be a rout by 'bama, they could have been up 34 points easy at halftime. Good win for Auburn. I doubt if they lose to So.Car now, so unless Oregon screws up TCU and Boise can book their BCS bowl trips but just not to the Championship game.
Point is moot now but for the record I agree with this statement. LSU was extremely fortunate to beat Florida......as bad as the Gators are this year. The Bengal Tigers just are not NC material. Helluva win for Auburn and no doubt a very bitter defeat for Bama fans. Things have a way of turning fast in the NCAA these days. Nobody knows how CamGate is going to turn out but Auburn is doing their part so far. I would not underestimate the OBC in Atlanta however.
What a great game. I was really surprised how well Auburn's defense adjusted in the second half. Tough for the Tide, but a great win for Auburn. PJ in Jersey
Great game, but the second half counts too. Auburn, Oregon and Nevada all came up BIG in the second half today and all deserved to win. What a great day for college football. After a so-so season, we fans deserved a great finish like this......IMHO.
???? You been watching LSU at all? MSU? Mich-ILL? UF-Ga was an OT thriller and there have been a few more out there. I guess when you've been watching Oregon and Boise roll over people the season does seem a little so-so.
Ditto....obviously an outstanding young man. What a brilliant start he had yesterday and an unfortunate ending. He and his team deserved for him to be at the controls for the last drive. I hope his injuries are not serious....
Equally outstanding young man on the other side of the field yesterday. I understand he is leading the fund drive for his father's church.... :wink: