The book THE GIPPER comes out today. ( He was born on the same day as another famous person..JIFFER Feb 18th)...How many knew that The Gipper once drop kicked a 62 yard field goal? I think I will Kindle the book!!
i have had it for almost a year.. I love it. I paid 250. n ow they are about 135.00 and do more. ..go into a barnes and noble store and look at the e reader they have also.
There are good points and no so good points with the readers. If you travel, they are usually smaller than books. However on planes you have to turn them off durning takeoffs and landings. Also maps are usually very difficult to see because of size restraints. My Sony reader has to be attached to my PC to download books. The new wireless readers are an improvement. Price of books is about 1/3 cheaper. If you read often it probably will save considerable money. A neighbor has an I pad and it has an ap to allow you to use it as a kindel or nook (I think.)
Yes I pod can access Kindle. I just heard on TV...You can buy the NOOK for 99.00 right now until Black Friday
I love my nook. I read at least a couple of books a week so the nook takes care of storage issues and makes packing so much easier for trips. Also Barnes and Noble keeps all ebooks bought from them on a server so you can redownload if anything happens to your e-reader. Lower price is also nice.
Nook and Kindle have "e-Ink"...easier on eyes than backlighting (like computers or iPads) and saves greatly on battery power. However they (like a paper book) can't be read in low or no-light situations as a back lit screen can. The new Color Nook has a backlit screen so I'm not sure what that is going to do for battery life...better for kids books, etc. I'm sure but not necessary for reading. iPad, of course, can do a zillion other things. Nook has an internet browser (but not real user friendly...kind of for emergency use only). You can download newspapers and magazines on these suckers, also...eBook versions are a little more comprehensive than the internet sites and a little less comprehensive than the conventional newspapers...but handy if you're out of town. Not enough newspapers have eBook versions yet but Columbus Dispatch does, and sometimes I'll download it when out of town. Also both Kindle and Nook have free versions (applications) for your smartphones, whether iPhone, Droid, or RIM, so that if you purchase an eBook you can also download it (free) to your smartphone and read it when you don't have your Kindle or Nook with you. I have a it. The 3G connection is well worth the extra one-time cost so you can hook up and shop or browse the eStore just about anywhere. The other (slightly cheaper) version requires wireless access.