Scott, I'm with's pointless. Facts, science and logic have no place in his world..... Thank Mrs. JO'Co, but you forgot a very important fact, it's only about him......nobody could possibly bear a greater burden than MCG. Woe is him.....
I definitely feel the pain Mrs. It's very tough at our age to deal with all of the downsizing......recessionary layoffs, etc. and most especially with the evaporation of our home equity. However: " Thanks to Gov. Moonbeam, all of us "pubic servants" can retire at 55 with 80-90% of our pay from our highest paid year" I do hope the stress and sacrifice that Jo'Co is making results in his ability to collect on the above. I hope no one comes along and takes it away. I guess the good thing for me is I don't have to worry about losing something I don't have to begin with at least when it comes to a state or company sponsored retirement program.
I just read where a California State Senator named Jenny Oropeza thumped her Republican opponent 58 percent to 36 percent. The problem? She died three weeks ago. Is the O'Connor family the only thing about Cali that isn't bat-shiat crazy?
8) People like this guy are regarded as heroes here in the Golden State. His job and benefits are guaranteed...
:cry: Dave you really dont get it.. Jim is making less than he did at Avery we basically are paying the state to let him work.... retire.. Jim is 60 soon to be 61 if he retires and he is not eligible until he has taught for 10 years 4 more to go. and since there is no relief in sight or chances that they will give him his union increases we are at a stand still basically he makes what he did 20 years ago... When he worked for Avery (30yrs) he was forced out due to age and then the job went to Mexico all he got was a certificate for a free hamburger mind you it was an In and Out but still thats all he got after 30 years but I have never heard him say that anyone owes him anything. He's a good guy like that.....Dont believe everything you read especially about how good Jerry Brown is...... He is a joke and I hope that voters realize that and oust him like Gray Davis
I am making what I did 12 years ago...I am 56 ....and I see no end to my working days.....none....nada. As I said..... I have no equity..... I'm renting......and there is zero retirement plans to wait on....or see taken away by overzealous Tea Party types. Hopefully the implementation by these nutbags of taking away my social security and medicare will not happen in my lifetime. It's the American Dream I'm tellin ya!
"Overzealous Tea Party types" . What a crock of ****! A group of folks that are advancing thr concept of individual liberty and adherence to the Constitution and dave views them as a threat. Do you have a statue of Lenin on your front lawn?
its ok George if we had tea party events in Ca Joco I would most likely be there....... but I think they are an underground movement here I think that belief in the movement is something that comes w. age and maturity//// but then again some never grow up and stay in that its all about me stage and never accept responsibilty
The problem here is the public employee unions. Forty percent of us teachers are Republicans, but the CTA gives 100% of our union dues to the Democrats, but it's actually a worse situation than that. They charge us extra in election years; raising our dues as high as necessary to outspend their opponents. In the last five years, our monthly dues have tripled, so that even a billionaire like Meg Whitman couldn't out-spend us. As long as tax funded public employees are allowed to use that tax money to expand their power and increase their own pay, this situation will continue...
Well that's good to hear. They sound fair enough not to mess with the benefits that I have paid significantly into for 35 years. Hmmmmmm.......
:shock: .....still waiting for the solutions proposed by the socialists to fix the problem or do you stand by your "increase taxes on our children" answer?
How about we take away social security for those who make over $250,000.00 per year and most likely do not want anyone else to get theirs either? 8)
Nothing more need be said......they have likely paid more into the system than you have and, no doubt, deserve their benefits less. All high achievers should be penalized...shame on them for being successful.
No....just those who made their fortunes in the past decade in the mortgage and finance industry when so many hard working Americans have been ravaged financially by that industy's failures in that same decade. Fortunes made at the expense of others.
I see ..... so your solution is that everybody with incomes in excess of $250,000 working or who have worked in the mortgage and finance industry in the past decade must forfeit their entitlement benefits. Medicare also, or just Social Security? How about police and fire, ems? Voting and property rights? Religious freedom? Carry on....
You know....that a damned good question. I was speaking with my cousin on Saturday who is a circuit court of appeals judge here in Florida and we were discussing the new governor Rick Scott who plans to cut state payrolls, etc. First his mantra is "let's get to work" and second he wants to cut state jobs in places that have already been cut to the many state and local government operations. So....what about police, fire, ems.......who IS going to pay for those services?
I would suggest those who work or who have worked in the mortgage or finance industry in the last decade and whose incomes exceeded $250,000 because they need not receive those public services or use private firms instead, given: a) theft or fire would only impact those possessions acquired with their ill-gotten gains, b) they are unworthy of EMS assistance as their lives are worthless in any event....there you go. Done and done.... Shame on a governor trying to get the state to live within its means. Should he raise taxes instead? What other options does he have?
I'm asking you. I haven't a clue how the upside down states and local jurisdictions are going to get er done. Seems like cutting essential services is the only way. Maybe we can install marshall law and public wells? Change the teacher/student ratios to a more fiscally responsible 100 to 1?
I think all public officials can learn from the leadership currently being courageously exhibited in New Jersey by Gov. Christie.....if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.......with the possible exception of Cali.....sorry JO'Co.