Good luck for your continued recovery, Vic. And, Tom , you better start living the chaste life :wink:
Vic, My best wishes for a speedy recovery. You are one on the great guys on ths board, and, as with JIF, I want the two of you to be on this board for many more years. Bob Tom. given your ability to battle through chronic kidney stone issues, I suspect a heart cath will be a walk in the park for you. Hope everything goes smoothly on Friday.
With regards to the tragic incident at ND yesterday. There is now a ground swell of sentiment to cancel this weekends game with Tulsa. How do you guys feel? I am conflicted myself, on the one hand a young man who was associated with the program lost his life, but I'm just not sure that canceling the game is the appropriate response. I doubt if the game can be rescheduled till after USC, if at all. It would seem that doing something in his memory at the game would be more appropriate. Gip: from a legal standpoint it does seem that ND is in a heap of trouble here, kid never should have been allowed to go up on that device. In cases like this would you expect to happen? Does ND have to wait till the parents do something or can they reach out and offer settlement before then?
Not a ND guy here but I would think that it would honor the kid more to put this option in place and "win one for the gip... kid". He had a hand in the inner workings of the program so he would most likely not wish to see the program stop functioning if even for one week.
I need some additional info here. Reports were he was a "video intern." Intern implies to me some sort of employment. Did his employer own the tower or did the school? Employer may be protected by Workers Comp. laws. Did the equipment come with warnings about use in high winds? Could be a products liability claim. In any event, the school should take care of current expenses. They should pay for travel and funeral expenses. They probably should meet with the kids folks and say the appropriate things. If there are sibs, memorial scholarships would be smart. Just some random thoughts.
Good luck tomorrow, Tom. When I saw you in KC, you looked pretty darn healthy to me, so I'm guessing everything will be OK.
What an awful story ..... It was 3:22 p.m., reports Pete Byrne of CBS affiliate WSBT in South Bend, Ind. Practice was just starting, when Sullivan tweeted a grim premonition: "Gusts of wind up to 60 mph. Well today will be fun at work. I guess I've lived long enough." At 4:06 p.m., a clearly distressed Sullivan tweeted again, "Holy (blank). Holy (blank). This is terrifying."
Swarbrick announced that the game was going to be played but the there would be a moment of silence and that the players would wear decals honoring Declan Sullivan.
Condolences to the boy's family and the whole Notre Dame family. What a sad situation...It is so important to have knowledge of proper use of these kinds of heavy equipment...
I didn't think things could get worse, but they did. Tulsa has a good offense and I expected them to score some points, but they have a horrible defense and I expected to outscore them big time. Then Dayne Crist is injured and Tommy Rees is the next man in and does pretty well and his stats look good except for 3 INT's including the game loser. Kelly is in a deep deep deep hole with ND fans, I'm not sure he can dig himself out of this one. I fully expect Utah to beat us by 50 points, same for USC, I wouldn't be shocked to lose to Army.
Ouch??? At least ND has the excuse that their starting QB went down. Our only excuse this year is: Tennessee is bad.