I would think this decision would be impossible to defend. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefoo...-shows-true-core-values-by-reinstating-rainey
I don't want to defend Rainey, as what he did was incredibly stupid and against the law. But I do wonder if this Gator Alum has an axe to grind with Urban as a couple of games suspension doesn't seem way way out of line. If it were me it would be for the rest of the season, anger management and other types of counseling. On issues like this I tend to favor harsher punishment in terms of the privlidge of playing football. My hope would be that he would learn to deal with these things before he actually hurt some woman who rejected him, maybe this young lady. I'd tend to be more lenient on minor in possession things or first time pot offenders. To me this is one of the reasons, that the coach shouldn't be the guy who says he's good to go, there is an inherent conflict of interest.
Here's another discipline problem. Sr. Starting CB for Mich State Chris Rucker was given a DUI after last sat's game. He is suspended for this weekends game by Dantonio. He was on probation at the time and could go to jail. Now he could have killed someone. So if Dantonio is a disciplinarian why would he not suspend him for the season? While he still might, in the past Mack Brown (not an esp tough disciplinarian) has suspended kids like this indefinitely, now some of them after they get through the legal deal and maybe beat the charges...cough...Sergio Kindle...cough...make it back and play. But why would Dantonio be the guy? Shouldn't someone outside the program make the call for this type of thing.
The Gator kid made a documented death threat in a text apparently. Not only is he a known idiot now but a potential threat as well. What would happen to us if we did the same? Face it, the school administrations, trustees and boosters want to win so bad that theylook th eother way when at all possible. Guys like Meyer are just the hand puppets.
You know, while maybe nobody on this board has ever said it, I have certainly heard other people say in the heat of the moment...I'll kill that bastard or something like that, if he ever X. Or say other things that they really had no intention of actually doing. Again not defending Rainey, and it might be racist to just infer that because he's black that he comes from an environment were things like that are said all the time...like in rap songs.... He might not have meant it literally, just be reacting like a rapper in a song. My point is that he needs counseling and anger management for sure, but it's hard to know what he intended and what he would have done. He didn't do anything though other than the text, and so while I think 2 games isn't enough, I think a lot of coaches..including Tom Osborne ( Christian Peter, Lawrence Phillips) who many hold high in esteem, would have done the same.
I can only make one comment here. If I walked up to a police officer and said "Time to Die", the only question would be how many shots hit center of mass from his 10 round magazine.
I get the impression that the writer - Gator alum - is upset about more than just the Rainey matter. No doubt the most recent issue, Rainey, reignited the discussion, but he drew comparisons with the Miami program about the inordinate number of arrests, etc. It sounds as if Rainey just took him over the top......
As to Chris Rucker, he was one of a number of MSU players who got into a brawl with a fraternity. The players started the fight going to a frat function after a team function. His probation officer is recommending he get 21 da. in jail. Funny, but I think Dantonio would come down a lot harder on Rucker if the team were 4-2 right now.
I think Rainey was indeed incredibly stupid but no more so than were athletes in the last 100 years who probably have been just as stupid. The intent as I have heard is not criminal....it was just a compulsive stupid act by a very young person. But still.......stupid.
Certainly his star status leave Meyer open to speculation that what he really cares about is the score on Sat and he needs Rainey.
I will say the same thing about Doyel in this topic that I said in the other. He is a complete #!@$@#~. It's pretty obvious that he has an agenda with Meyer. As to Rainey I can't say I'm shocked how many of you would throw him under the bus. I am fully supportive of Meyer's position with this young man and it's not because I think he's going to win us games. But have your fun. Terry O, as usual you are a voice of reason.
Most people who die from domestic violence received off hand comments and threats for a time beforehand. The aggressor is most often not arrested because "he/she didn't do anything but talk". When ignored, those comments escalate with tragic results. I have no opinion about Rainey and football. But if he were an average Joe or a movie star, my opinion would be the same. You don't give back privileges until something is done to address the situation. Hopefully something was. But I doubt it happened this quickly.
He will miss at least 6 games in his showcase senior year and keep in mind it is Urban that caused him to miss those games. He probably planned on NFL millions and now will be happy to land on any roster for minimum NFL salary. I do think he got the message.
MCG, he is a redshirt Jr. Cindy, I am not sure what you mean by addressed, but he is taking anger management, performing community and also having to meet conditions set by Urban Meyer but I cannot say what they are. He will not play this week and there is not a definite time frame when he will be allowed to play, that is still to be determined. All he is doing now with the team is practicing but will not play. There is more to the story but not a lot of people seem to care.
No Dave, it is his own stupidity that caused him to miss those games. Meyer may have dealt out the punishment, but it was his own actions that caused it. I for one couldn't care less whether this kid plays or not. My only concern is whether we (as a society) are allowing a kid a second chance or allowing a psychopath another opportunity to threaten a woman (or worse). I don't have enough information to determine which case we have here. But anyone that denies that both possibilities exist... well, let's just say that there may be a bias issue here. Now, before you explode on these statements, remember how I felt about Fulmer letting a senior punter back on the team after a second DUI. There is an issue with the possibility of hurting or killing someone with that action. Is there an intent to hurt or kill though? He did not get into the car, look at other drivers, and say "Time to Die". And still, I wanted him off the team. And the idiots that held up a person with a BB gun... I made my wishes known that the guilty should be given a bus ticket to the local prison and never set foot on campus again. We have too much of a boys will be boys attitude in this country.