Since we have many techies on these board, I thought I would throw this in: I complained to my ISP that the $10/mo for faster speed was not giving it to me. They said the modem was working fine and that the problem was my router. They shipped me an N series Net Gear. Speed went from 18 mps to 37 mps.
N series means 802.11n instead of 11a, 11b, or 11g. N is much faster if your computer's network adapter is capable of N wireless. My home router is a Netgear 802.11n backwards compatible to a, b, and g. My workrouter, also in my home, is 802.11g only. I never use it wireless though. My work laptop is always in the docking station using the wired connection.
49+ MBps is fantastic. I am running with Time Warner RoadRunner. My speeds are: 10.3 MBps download and 1.9 MBps upload. Wired, I get 19.9 MBps download and 2.2 MBps upload.
Glad to hear you're running faster! Not sure if just having a N wireless router is the reason though, maybe the old router was just "worn" out. It's been awhile since anybody had anything but a 802.11g wireless router and that supports up to 54Mbps. That exceeds what your are currently getting, of course that is a theoretical max usually only achieved under ideal conditions. The old 802.11b only up to 11Mbps so if you were getting 18Mbps you surely weren't connected wirelessly to your router if it was 802.11b The newer 802.11N is up to 300Mbps Routers also have ports for ethernet cable which have for a long time supported speeds of 100Mbps, and newer Gigabit ports support 1000Mbps. But if you are getting 30+Mbps down from your provider that is outstanding. The best I can get (theoretically) from my AT&T DSL is 6Mbps download. AT&T U-verse maxes out at 24Mbps down. Comcast offers 50Mbps down on their digital lines and so does Verizon.
Just to make everyone here feel better....My job location is still on dial up with no DSL available for the immediate future...I use a Alltel/Verizon wireless modem and feel lucky to get 300 kbps on a good day... It's in "Da Boonies".....
Thanks for the reply, guys. I only use wireless for Roku. The speed was there if I bypassed the old router.
Yeah but it might be more interesting to watch pidgeon procreation than waiting for a dial up down load.... :?
Every once in a while a Skyboxer writes something that creates a visual that makes me laugh until my sides ache. Normally it's Gipper or Bobda or AJ or Corey. This time Ralph's comment painted the picture. :lol: :lol: