ND and Texas have signed a 4 game contract, home/home. Games in Austin Sept 3 2016 and Aug 31 2019, Games in South Bend Sept 5 2015 and Sept 12 2012.
Here is one publication's ranking of the country's junior and senior tight ends. Kyle Rudolph is way out in front of the field. Kyle Rudolph Rated the Country's Best TE by Sporting News Today
Guys.....you do this every year.....and then 1st week of October is the begining of Wake month here on the Box....try something different here besides a 16 year old on prom night for a change.....stroll into it....it makes humble pie taste a little bit better come Veteran's Day..... :lol: N stands for Knowledge
pie <r><QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> So the Nebraska guys is going to school us on humble pie? Riiiiight......<br/> <br/> Better get a mirror. <E></E></r>
Hah!!! Don't be throwing cold water on our preseason high!!! We Irish have memories that only go back as far as ....um what'd you say? Can I have another drink?
Terry that last game isn't in 2012. 9/12 isn't a sat. and we've already got quite a schedule that season.
Blurb on the ND/Texas series and 5 things you didn't know about Mack Brown!! <object width="384" height="216" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="ESPN_VIDEO" data="http://espn.go.com/videohub/player/embed.swf" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all"><param name="movie" value="http://espn.go.com/videohub/player/embed.swf"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="wmode" value="opaque"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="allowNetworking" value="all"><param name="flashVars" value="id=5441641"></object>
Been watching the ND press conference. Brian Kelly is just a master at these things. He looks good, he looks prepared, he handles questions with ease, he moves things along. Most impressive thing to me was some of the strength gains that have been made. Chris Stewart put on weight, lost body fat, and can do 23 pullups!!! Bob Diaco was painfully uncomfortable during his part of the session. Watching Molinar now.
:shock: When a guy who weighs 350 can do 23 pull ups, the conditioning coach is doing something right...
ND/Kelly <r>Terry,<br/> <br/> yes Kelly does seem to handle all the media stuff like a pro. Always seems comfortable in any situation. If you haven't heard this yet, here is a great interview he did on WSBT radio yesterday I think. He took several fan phone calls with questions:<br/> <br/> <URL url="http://www.wsbtradio.com/wsbtradio/news/ondemand/wsbtradio-briankelly8510,0,5898667.mp3file"><LINK_TEXT text="http://www.wsbtradio.com/wsbtradio/news ... 67.mp3file">http://www.wsbtradio.com/wsbtradio/news/ondemand/wsbtradio-briankelly8510,0,5898667.mp3file</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
George, I read the other day that your boy Carlo was working with the first unit next to T'eo on the inside.
Supposedly his competition, Anthony McDonald, got hurt in practice yesterday or maybe today but has a leg brace on right now. So Prince Shembo and Carlo are the guys who are next up at that position. Also a great article about ND on the MSNBC Notre Dame site. Notre Dame The article that Feldman wrote and is referred to in this one is a ESPN Insider artilce or I'd post a link to it as well.
Carlo <r>I really hope that Carlo can get his pass coverage down to the point that he becomes the starter next to Teo. Ya just gotta like this kid. Big, strong tough, hard nosed, likes to hit.....hope he does well. <E></E></r>
Pass coverage is important but remember, our defense has been getting gutted up the middle for years. With Teo and Calabrese there, those days are over! McDonald may go down as the modern day Wally Pipp.