George is closer to the truth than "Fact Check." What Congress gets is a level of taxpayer provided health care that most citizens don't have access to. The new health care system has nothing to do with them, because they already have everything paid for.
Not Quite So Fast I'm sure you've got more arrows in your quiver than I do, but I used to think that Congress had this great unfair health plan, but now am not so sure. I don't begrudge them good medical benefits. However if they are going to pass this national health plan, they need to be subject to it.
Full disclosure: 11% of Americans polled think Congress is doing a good job. 89% think they are not. I think Iam in the 89%. I wouldn't pay for the powder to blow them to hell.
Dave, you'll love this. Exactly what you wanted!
This is the Obamacare Organizational Chart <r>This will make it more understandable. <br/> <br/> <IMG src=""><s></e></IMG></r>
Agreed on Congress......neither side seems willing to work with the other and that is the main reason so many are disappointed. Others remain disappointed with either side of Congress because of their own polarized views and I don't see that changing anytime soon. On health could be a mess. Then again it was already a mess.
The Bloomberg poll must have been taken in Detroit. Now what happens when voters go to the polls and vote on Obamacare? By 3 to one they turn thumbs down on Dem. health care.
If this gets repealed I guess we go back to the exorbitantly escalating cost structure that we have now....except that HC companies would view that as a license to steal and very soon I could see healthcare being the number one household expense...beyond mortgages. Try jump starting a healthy economy with that kind of wasteful expense in every household. Forget buying TVs and autos.....ain't gonna happen if we allow the HC companies to charge at will for coverage while paying out miniscule amounts in return. I suspect many Americans, especially those who can't find jobs would just say f**k it and let the gov't. take care of them if anything major happened.
What I am saying here Cindy is that too many are saying what's wrong with attempts to change/reverse/correct what we have in place while not acknowledging how broken the system is that already exists. HC costs in the last decade have skyrocketed into levels that many American families cannot afford. What would another decade of unchecked increases in HC costs bring us to?
The people in Mass. tried a health care plan similar to the ones rammed down our throats this year. Their health care costs keep going up. That probably is one reason why they have a Republican senator for the first time in a long time. If there was ANY real intention to reduce health care costs in the health care bill there would have been some tort reform measures taken. Instead there are all sorts of provisions providing preferences for institutions that have a history of minority hiring or admissions.
In all the fervor it really is about common sense. Any program that is going to add all those layers of overhead and bureaucracy is going to drive costs up. Those people are pure expense. They provide no product or service.
That's exactly right. The more middle managers you add who do none of the front line work, the more the cost goes up. But now instead of everyone bearing parts of the cost of that care it will be only a portion of the population (the ones who pay taxes). There are income based sliding scale payments for care at EDs and clinics for low income folks but they still had to pay something, that will go away with the national healthcare system that is proposed. And why do we, as a nation, want a government managed healthcare system brought to us by the same government who has mismanaged Medicare and Medicaid since its inception. I don't get it.
I really feel that this country will experience a tax revolt, a revolution of sorts. The only way to stop these people in Washington is to choke off the supply. That is their only achilles heel as I see it.