Maybe another curse has been lifted from Irish football. NBC will be forced to replace Haden on it's broadcasts. YES!
Tyrone Willingham annouced today that he is done with coaching....could it be......nah that would just be too cruel.
TW <t>Of course some might say he gave up coaching the day he stepped onto the turf at ND stadium back in 2002. I'm just sayin.......</t>
You mean Ty is leaving his coaching job, he won't be coming back next season to coach, hey, he's probably a Democrat and can go on unemployment.
Meanwhile getting back to Haden, looks like USC is returning the Heisman won by Bush. Cheat on for old SC :evil: :evil: :evil:
I like Haden. When he first started commentating for NBC, I didn't like him just because of who he was and where he was from, but I eventually got over it. In time, I came to appreciate his and Tom Hammond's work on the ND telecasts. They do a nice job.
So long Lane..... If Haden retains Kiffin it won't last long.... The main reason I say this is that as a member of the media Haden is privy to all of the backroom/barroom slams against ole Lanet Boy last year and I don't think he wants to preside over such silliness.
This news certainly cannot be a surprise! I think Hayden is an excellent choice and a good move on the part of USC. Don
Hey Corey, I have seen posts that say that Haden wants to turn USC into Stanford or Notre Dame in the way they handle academics and athletes. Those USC fans say it's the end for USC if he does and that Kiffin won't last. Seems like many of the USC/ND player battles have been over kids from So.Cal private schools not so much from Ghetto schools. Does USC depend on kids from the 'hood?
Here's a rant from the Wild West Board that Corey should enjoy!! The angst and suffering of a USC fan!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
List of Candidates I don't know Ted Robinson to tell you the truth, but I'd support him as the play by play guy should Hammond leave. I'm not a Hammond fan, but also not a hater. As for the new color guy, I like Charles Davis, I like Todd Blacklidge, I like Beuerline but he's sort of bland when I have listened to him.
Doc I like both Blackledge and Fouts. I suppose that it should be someone not directly tied to the school. Of course if Bob Griese could do Michigan games when his son played there, why couldn't Golic and Collinsworth be considered? I always liked Ron Franklin, I'm surprised he didn't get a mention.
While I hope Collinsworth's kid has a great career at ND, I've invested a lot in hating his dad. I thought he was a snobby condescending know it all when he did color on the games during Lou's tenure. Golic just does not seem like the type that would be good at color, I don't really care that much for him on his Mike and Mike show.
In order I would like 1. Davie 2. Collinsworth 3 Blackledge I think Davie is a hell of an announcer/analyst.
I don't mind Davie when he's doing color on ESPN. I just don't think he can come back to ND in any capacity. It's not unheard of for ex-coaches to return, Fred Akers does some radio stuff with the Longhorns, I think Earle Bruce did the same with the Buckeyes, but I don't see Davie coming back.