My 18 year old son sent this to me and asked what I thought of the article. I said its not a pick me up news flash thats for sure but if it is true there is not much we can do about it. Interesting in a macabre fashion....
Well sh+t is right. Glad I moved to Ground Zero of this cataclysmic event. Might as well give up worrying as a hobby...... :wink: :shock:
My family and I are in Hobe Sound now and for the next two weeks. Sounds like the tsunami will get us. :shock:
Ok, first things first. (1) Doc, you need to use all your connections at the UT to convince Mack and Co that it's a wise move to move the FB team away from the possible event, say Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota. They have no idea about FB anyway, so they would never know your there. This obviously in a preventive measure to keep the Oct 16th date from being cancelled. (2) Nebraska, in a consolidated effort with all other beef producing states, relocates all cattle in and around a 100 mile radius of Lincoln. In the event of a Methane storm, we give huge amouts of Alfalfa to all the cattle, causing them to have severe gas, and ignite the area causing a methane gas backfire designed to fight the incoming methane storm. It'll be tricky, but anything we can do to have the game gone on is worth it.
AJ, With great enjoyment and acknowledgement I appreciate your ideas to save the earth as we know it. After peeing my pants in laughter at your grand idea to see that the game goes on I have forwarded this along to our president and Larry King to make sure that we have the "Cattle Radius" arranged in advance... Thanks again and go Big Red.... Ps Larry will make sure it gets done before he retires... RC
We do what we can to keep Austin Weird! :twisted: I may even vote for Leslie for mayor in the next election! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: At this point in time I would vote for him for President. He would be 10000% better than the POS we have now! :? the sh*t may really hit the fan: 2012 anyone? :shock:
I know....this oil spill B/S is starting to look like when I get home with a ceiling fan from Home Depot and I try to install it based on the instructions provided and the parts inluded etc. Nothing ever goes where it should and there are pieces missing or that don't fit.
Why am I thinking about the two Hunter fans I installed in our first house, the five in our existing house, and the 17 installed in the 5 houses in between that went without a single hitch? :wink: Sometimes it is the installer that is the issue, not the part being installed. Sometimes it is the person perceiving the issue, not the issue itself. 8)
Figures you would have that answer. reason I may have felt that way is that my house was built in 1931....and sometimes it just didn't jive well with those modern items purchased for installation and I use ceiling fan as just an example. In any event I live down here on the Gulf Coast and and I am appalled at what has transpired and very concerned about oil washing up in a hurricane etc.... which is headed for a very busy season given the hot temps of the region's oceans at present. And....I do not trust BP in the least not to blow us up to kingdom come and I understand completely the stern tone with which the US government is now dealing with BP on this leakage issue. They have been slow and incompetent. Maybe you think what has happened is just unpleasant byproduct if you will of doing business. Maybe you think BP has been very safety conscious and competent. Maybe you think all of the people in the gulf region affected are just out of luck....tough sh*tola. That's your right to feel that way I guess. have my perception and maybe yours is not as I described so what is it?
Dave, I am just as appalled as you. However, the difference is this: When electronics is concerned, I am probably the subject matter expert on this board. When it comes to oil exploration, I know nothing. I tend to not speak out calling for peoples heads on a silver platter when I know nothing about what they do. You on the other hand care not that you know nothing. You always speak out against what is happening without offering up a solution... ever! That, Dave, is the definition of whining and I care not to participate in whining. When I do have an educated opinion, I will offer it... as I did with the ceiling fans. In 1931, electrical wiring was still hot, neutral, and ground, just as it is today. I could install the same fan in 1931 houses or one built yesterday with the same lack of difficulty. :wink:
You call it whining....I call it being frustrated with their seeming lack of competence and lack of concern about preventing this from happening in the first place. Maybe the criminal investigation to come will exonerate BP from all carelessness. Maybe not....maybe it will bring to light a few things that you are now in the dark about. Until then I am with the majority.....especially among those who live down here and you are in the minority with your opionion on BP. Even thouigh we ( the majority ) are not electrical engineers we...collectively....are pissed off at BP.......and concerned about how this is going to turn out for our beaches. Take that as whining if you will but I guess you have no stake in the matter and don't really care all that much.
Dave Please explain something to me. Why is it that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically an unfeeling person who obviously cares nothing about anything that is happening and whatever is happening must not affect that person at all. People can have opposing opinions and still believe that a problem exists.