I think Division ! will end up with about 4 mega conferences and playoffs in lieu of bowl games, or the bowl games will go to smaller conferences and independents.
Sid, Who knows? Looks like the media jumped prematurely. Everyone seems to be saying no official news or announcements at this time from teh Big Ten Office.. Don
I read this to mean that when offered Neb will accept. As a Texas fan I liked having a class program like Neb in the B12 with Bo Pellini bring them back to the old Huskers I was looking forward to many titanic battles between the Longhorns and the Huskers. Now it'll have to be when the bowls match us up.
Sid, I have no idea but this fella I know who is pretty into all this stuff says that the original article is false.
That article does sound like if offered Nebraska is gone. I'm kind of like MCG as far as my feelings about all this mega conference stuff. I liked the SEC going to 12 teams but don't have a lot of warm and fuzzies about 16 team conferences. I know my feelings won't matter and it is probably going to happen. And with all the $$$$ the SEC and Big 10 are making I guess I see why teams would jump. What will be will be I guess.
The Guys at InsideTexas.Com believe the B12 is dead conference walking. InsideTexas.Com Podcast on Realignment
Terry, I listened to a lot of that radio program and they guy makes a lot of sense. I would like Texas in the SEC if all this happens but I think that is probably a long shot.
This whole thing has done one thing for sure, it has made the B10 the center of college athletics at the moment. Everybody is waiting on them to make a move.
A Missouri perspective; http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/2010/may/09/big-tens-behemoth/?sports Big Ten; Big Exposure; Big $.
No doubt that is what is driving this whole thing. I must admit when the BTN was created I thought..pffff what a waste of time. But it is another example of why nobody asks my opinion on things!! :roll: I would think though that with the growth of the SEC region that an expanded SEC to include Texas, Oklahoma, and a couple of ACC (although FSU and Miami don't add much to the footprint or TV sets since they already have UF). Would in population and TV sets be able to go head to head with the B10, and currently on the field SEC sports eclipse B10 sports so that should give them the edge. Terry
Corey's favorite football writer on the subject of the B10 expansion and Notre Dame: http://blog.al.com/press-register-sports/2010/05/finebaum_secs_mike_silve_steal.html I think Finebaum has been lurking on Skybox and lifting someone's writings..... :wink: