....of ever hoping for reasonable American politics. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/04/28/senate.finance.reform/index.html?hpt=T2 The GOP did not even want to debate regulation of Wall Street.....and the sad thing is 85% of you on this board agree with that head in the sand......I hate the other side approach.... I'm sure. It's hopeless...... :roll:
You're not paying attention. Most of the senators have not even read the bill yet. The guy from Nebraska was at least honest about that. As per the game plan, the Obama bunch rushes out a 1200 page bill and immediately asks for a vote. Do you routinely sign documents you have not read? Now Obama's own budget office is starting to release some ugly truths about the healthcare reform bill that was shoved down our collective throats by the democrats. They suggest that the costs may have been understated by as much as $400 billion in the first ten years alone. They project that as many as 4M businesses may opt to pay the $1K fine per employee because it will be less expensive than actually providing insurance. And lastly they caution that as many as 14M people may still be without insurance when it is all said and done. Hope and Change.
Not one GOPer voted for health care and the Dems rammed it through (though most polls seem to show a majority of Amreicans didn't want it.) So why cry about what the GOP thinks. By the way unemployment in this country is still a disgrace and the aholes in charge of congress are doing everything but focus on the economy. Take over auto companies, student loans, regulate Wall Street (although Goldman Sachs was Obama's second biggest campaign contributer) next week it will be offshore drilling. Meanwhile millions of Americans are still out of work wondering where all the billions in the ******** stimulus bill went.
My sister told me today that an Olive Garden restaurant in Dayton, Ohio was raided recently. 15 illegal Hispanics worked there.... all under one social security number. They were paid with pre-loaded Visa cards. Hope and Change.
....actually providing insurance.....hmmmmm.....there's a novel idea. Screw health care.......who needs it......right? That's what bankruptcy is for I guess.
Just explain to me how adding the monstrous overhead of federal bureaucracy and the punitive costs attached to that will make health insurance MORE affordable..... My insurance rep came in to see me this week for our annual renewal meeting. The cost of providing health insurance for my employees, which I do willingly and for thirty years running now, is going up 28% on June 1. It now exceeeds my office lease. My rep also predicted his company will be out of business within five years because they project the government will try to do away with all the "middle men " in the healthcare chain. My carrier, Horizon Blue Cross NJ, lost $100 million in 2009. Hope and change.
Personally it sounds like a decent idea to get rid of all the parties in between the patient and the provider who have their hand out.
Let me tell you about these other countries... I have now experienced Emergency Rooms in Ireland, one of the true socialized medicine countries. I'll set this up for you. Friday afternoon, the stones played a concert in my right kidney. Cindy will tell you with first hand knowledge that I go to the ER under protest usually by her command. I don't like going there. I kept sending messages to her that I was hurting pretty bad. I finally convinced myself that I was not going to pass this one by myself. On Saturday evening, I made my way to the ER. I spent over 3 hours in the waiting room... not because there were a lot of other patients waiting... simply because they were severely under staffed by today's standard in the USA. They finally moved me into a room and found that I indeed did have a stone stuck between the kidney and bladder. Once I got to a room, they drugged me up and force fed IV fluids. About six hours later, I passed it. The situation I was in was life threatening in that prolonged blockage can cause septic shock. I was partly to blame for waiting that long. Socialized medicine made a bad situation worse.
Let me explain a little more about Tom. Some people come to the ED with 10/10 pain laughing and talking on the phone. Skin color is pink, warm and dry. When Tom finally consents to go the the ED with one of these things, he usually rates his pain a 4 or 5/10. He is pale, sweaty and looks like crap. The first person listed can wait if needed. Anyone walking into an ED in America that looked like Tom did, even a full one with no available beds, would be brought back immediately, even if to a hall stretcher, and given pain meds. That is the difference in healthcare here and in socialized medicine.
You're talking about jobs in the private sector. You know, the ones that pay taxes. Instead we'll just have gov't employees, you know the ones that sponge off the taxes paid by those in the private sector.
I've given up hope of "reasonable American Politics" Waaaaah! The Republicans won't debate......waaaah! OK so let's try something simple say a friendly round of golf to get it started.