I have to admit I've only been watching it sporadically. I have watched some bobsled and womens downhill skiing, along with snowboarding. A couple of observations, the speed of some of these sports is just incredible. I'd call it controlled terror. Watching the downhill skiers on what is described as hard packed snow ( ice?) they all look just a micromovement from going out of control. And the snowboarders on that 1/2, to me all their moves look the same in real time, and it's incredible how different the women look from the men. After watching Shawn White then watching the women, (Hannah Teeter) it's like going from the NBA to 7th grade girls basketball. Many of the girls barely could get above the rim, while Shawn White was 20 feet up it looked like. I can't take watching ice skating,dancing,whatever. Speed Skating is cool though. But this is what I think most americans are waiting for. I would imagine that being a bowler that Bill is pretty interested in Curling. I'm actually suprised he's not in a curling league now that his leg is fully recovered!!
Curling is AWESOME!! It's like ice putting with brooms!! I love the controlled scrubbing they do while that thing is moving down the ice. Poetry in motion I tell ya!
ok exactly what is curling what is the objective.. have watched it a couple of times... didnt understand it at all... Love the down hill.... and the combined...... best part of the Olympics. is the skiing...... snowboarding my nieces and nephews are all into it... shaun White is amazing... but then again he has his own couse in colorado that only he can use... the girls... not so much its a bal thing.. seems buys do better w/ snowboards love Hockey (due to Joco and Corey) can watch it anytime... but the curling cant fugure it out.... but if you guys can explain Curling. the objective. rules ... I still not sure..
Two great hockey games today. The Russian-Chech game was really good and the US-Canada game is just riveting.
USA, USA, USA!! Bode Miller and USA Hockey win today! USA Hockey wasn't supposed to be one of the top 3 teams, Russia and Canada were clearly the favorites.
Here's a big raspberry for NBC. Yes sir, the network that carries every week the NHL game of the week carried ice dancing rather than a really compelling hockey game between the US and Canada. That's why your ratings suck NBC, you just don't get it.
I was wondering what was going on with that, not carrying the Hockey game. I wonder why they didn't put it on some alternative channel? The summer olympics are all over the dial, if you want to see some obscure event you can see it on an alternative NBC channel. They don't seem to be doing that at all for the Winter Olympics
The hockey game was on MSOBERMANBC. I watch that channel so infrequently that I had to use the cable program guide just to find it. No wonder NBC is in the bottom swirl of the ratings comode.
:lol: thank you huskerfan..... for that great explanation,,,, because I went to turn on the Olympics this am and again its all that is on... the Hockey game was great... All the hockey games have been on MSNBC so I knew where to find it last night... the regular NBC hasnt shown any of the hockey games... but I have to watch that instead of curling.. I really need to get a job,,, this is the first time in 40 years I have ever been home more than 2 weeks .... I have put in applications every were have a few good bites being a collector has its moments,. not sure thats what I want to do though///// again thats Huskerfan.. I can now watch curling... and no that no one understands it
Here ya go Di http://www.curlingbasics.com/ It's a lot like the shuffleboard you and Jim look foward to playing some day at the "home."
:cry: thanks Mike now I am even more confused... me and Jim in a home dont think so.... when we move to the desert I will put in a shuffleboard so you and MAry can come stay with us.... My Dad is trying to get me on the golf course.... again with my spear time.. but I have to drive out to Rancho Mirage. (he lives in Mission Hills estates (on the east golf course third hole is infront of his patio) I am going to go try and watch the curling now and see if I understand it better....
When I was 20 if I had known that was an event I could have been an Olympian too! 8) They're burning more rubber in that Olympic village than they did at the Daytona 500.
I don't think I've ever seen a closing ceremony anything like what the Canadians are putting on tonight. Sort of odd. William Shatner?