This didn't take long.
Funny how everyone now shares the opinion I had of the clown just because he left Tenn. The man hasn't changed just because he is in SC. He was a jerk from the start.
I don't think there has been so much a change of opinion on him so much as perspective. UT fans knew he was a jerk, he was THEIR jerk though.. Also, you've had two coaches (Meyer and Spurrier) who REALLY knew how to get under people's skin... they specialized in torturing Fulmer. I am sure they saw this is a bit of 'turn about being fair play' as Kiffin was a samari at getting under Myer's skin. I enjoyed him from an entertainment standpoint. Saban's a great coach and he's rather passionate...but he's passionate about football. He doesn't take the bait from the media or other coaches trolling for a response. Kiffin declared a jihad on Myer and Florida, and from an outsider's perspective, that was fun as all hell to watch. I tell people in CA that the SEC HC situation is like a class full of children. The teacher being the SEC commish... Meyer was the cool kid that everyone wanted to be.. Saban was the tough kid, but not the bully. He just does his own thing and minds his own business. Kiffin was the new kid in school who couldn't make any friends, so he tried bugging people in class. The other children were smart enough to ignore him, but it was the cool kid who snapped and lost his sh*t... Kiffin could set off Myer like a bottle rocket and that was a whole lotta fun to watch... because the cool kid isn't always the nicest kid and he too often pushed people's buttons in the past..
I like your analogy Corey except I don't think Meyer went off like a bottle rocket. I do believe he is glad the misfit is gone though. You all may enjoy this cartoon.
Oh I don't know Bill.. the SEC Commish had to get involved for a reason. Considering that Meyer was so stoic for his first few years and then began to react, quite passionately, to the absurd claims being made by Kiffin might suggest otherwise. I love that cartoon though. Things are lining up right. I can now stop laughing at Kiffin's antics and go back to hating him appropriately.
Corey, I think you have misread Meyer. However in the big scheme of life that's ok with me, and if you are right that is ok with me also. He's gone.
absolutely Bill. Like I've told my UT friends in these parts.... You guys just leave it alone and move on. Prove your program and conference is bigger than what he's saying. Right now, just by reacting, you are showing he's right... Not saying it's right, but that is the perception. Leave hating Kiffin to the pros...We got this one. Between the good side of Los Angeles, the Pacific 10 schools and ND... we got this one covered and it just might get ugly.. In the SEC, you have regional pride. People carry the SEC flag proudly. There are, obviously, historical reasons for this and I understand that. Similarly, there are historic reasons why people in the Western part of the country are a bit more independent and don't wave the flag for their neighbors. It's deep seeded and we sincerely enjoy every bit of schadenfreude that comes our way. The Pacific is cold and deep.. the predators are big and merciless. That isn't to say he won't have success... he might. He just entered a whole different world though. He's from the west. He knows this. That doesn't mean he is ready for it though.
Dave, I was the one who suggested that UF would need to add a column on their side of the scoreboard when Tenn came to town last fall because of LK's big mouth. And that was a year ago.
Meyer had the last smile.....I was watching this live at the Fla BB game when the LK leaving news came on ESPN. His obvious reaction to the text he received is priceless. 8) :lol: