Congrats Stu... Cindy and I always wanted Grandchildren but never got around to building the necessary factory.
Congratulations Stu. I remember a t - shirt one of our parents had back in the days my kids were growing up and I coached and participated in a lot of youth sports. It said If I Had Known About Grandchildren I Would Have Had Them First Is that your daughter or daughter - in - law?
Congrats Stu I had a new nephew born this week. He's the first Malloy male born in our family since Commish 36 yrs ago. My mom now has grandkids ranging from 37 to 1 wk. Have no new grandkids scheduled until July.
Congratulations to you too gipper. Terry, the mother could be his daughter or daughter - in - law right? Or did I miss something. Or the kid could be by a son or by a daughter. I just don't know enough about Stu's family.
That mans father is my fathers son! who is he. So first I noted that Stu's new young grandson last name is Ryckman. Now it is possible that his daughter married a man with the same last name, very possible for a Smith or Jones, but not so much a Ryckman. So from there I concluded that young lady must have married one of his sons and ergo the tyke is a Ryckman. Now I have glossed over the possiblity that it is his daughter and she is a liberated woman who kept her own name when she married and they decided that he would be a Rychman as her husbands last name is Rumplestilkskin or something like that. Although I don't remember a female Ryckman in the football contest so I'm concluding that Stu does not have a daughter or that he disowned her when it became apparent she was no good in football contests. Ergo the need for a family cat with talent. :wink: :wink:
You are much more observant than me Terry. Forgive me Stu, dumb question. I couldn't even pick it up after Terry pointed it out the first time.
I'm chalking it up to it's warmer here today in Houston and so brain synapses for us seniors in Houston are working faster than they are in N.C. :wink:
There's no such thing as a stupid question, only sardonic a-holes who make you feel stupid for asking them
I agree in general Corey but don't think anyone here was trying to make me look stupid, I managed that all by myself when I read grandchild but quit reading the name before getting to the last name. But thanks. Anyway no harm no foul. Terry, it warmed up pretty well here, actually got up in the 40's, all the snow melted off the driveway. Now it's overcast, trying to rain and getting colder. I imagine we will have some ice tomorrow. I needed to import a bit more of that Florida sunshine up here with me this winter.
That is my daughter-in-law Rachel, who is a veterinarian and is married to my son Michael, the dentist, aka Angry Mob in the Skybox contest.
I thought about using his name, Angry Mob, in the Nascar contests since it fits a Tennessee fan so well right now! 8)