Damn what a wimp, had to use a 6 iron?? I'd have gone with an 8! Must have been hard to turn the check down. Although I don't see why the NCAA requires it, I think there was another NCAA athlete who hit one of those halftime halfcourt shots and had to turn down the big prize a few years ago. I don't see the problem.
How come someone like Drew Henson can receive money for performing in another sport ie. baseball while still competing in football and this kid can't take money for golf and still play football? (and let's not forget pro boxer Tommy Z)
Tommy Z's getting a $25 grand paycheck with NCAA approval. NCAA allows a student athlete to play another sport for pay (other than scholarship sport) but they can't do endorsements or promotions. The Colorado football player that was the skier was allowed to ski but couldn't do sponsor endorsements, he fought it and lost. Perhaps there was a promotion attached to winning the car?