You may have some information Don, I have kind of felt that the way this has developed that there has been contact through an agent or some backdoor contact and that there is mutual interest.
Bill, Early poll results in the Enquirer this morning indicates 47% of the fans think Kelly is gone! Don
Something weird going on here, somebody said UC issued a press release that Kelly's Twitter account has been hacked.
ND HC <r>this has just gotten to the point of being silly and I'm just as guilty of being pulled into this "Brian Kelly to interview with ND" stuff as others are. <br/> <br/> I mean just because Kelly "twitters" that he will be talking to ND tomorrow why did we all buy into the "Official Interview" crap. Oh that's right, because Joe Shad(or whomever from ESPN) told us so. Jeez......<br/> <br/> Now I understand he is talking but no "official" interview today.<br/> <br/> Wake me up when this stuff is over and we have a new HC. I can't believe this crap. <E>:?</E></r>
Kelly <r>Well here's the closest thing to a report of Kelly being the next ND HC from what I believe is somewhat of a reliable internet site. <br/> <br/> From the College Football News Site: <br/> <br/> According to published reports, Cincinnati head coach Brian Kelly will become the new head man at Notre Dame. If this is true, did the Irish make the right move, or was the aim too low? Pete Fiutak give his initial reaction to the big news in the college coaching world.<br/> <br/> Link:<URL url=""></URL></r>
Tim, I think on this you and I agree, Notre Dame made the right move. Apparently this guy can read that Stoops isn't coming but can't read when Meyer says he's staying at Florida. Some writers amaze me. Anyway I think if this works out as expected that Notre Dame got the right guy.
ND HC <r>Bill,<br/> <br/> Kelly just seems like the right guy for ND right now just as Urban Meyer seemed to be right for Florida at the time a few years ago. There are many ND fans who disagree but he just seems to me to be the obvious choice. He'll have his work cut out for him for sure. ND does have talent on hand so he will have something to work with right off, much more than CW or TW had when they began. <br/> <br/> It's still not offical though but starting to look good that he'll be the next coach.<br/> <br/> Sid, you know Bill I always see eye to eye on almost everything. <E>:lol:</E></r>
Kelly is right for Notre Dame and Meyer is right for Florida. Add to that Saban is right for Alabama and Charlie Strong is going to Louisville and he's right for them. Everybody is happy.
Let me also add that maybe some of the idiot writers will now quit writing about Meyer to Notre Dame as if they know something, which they do not. It always amazes me how some writers, like the Finebum guy, will write like they have inside information when they don't. I don't think that mindless speculation is good for Florida or for Notre Dame.
in terms of sports writers... i'd say finebaum is 2nd to none in southern football especially when it comes to connections and sources. no one is even close. if i remember correctly, finabaum wasn't claiming to have a deep throat.. he was saying that it made sense for meyer to leave especially given the cannibalistic nature of the florida fans.
Corey, you and I have different memories. Finebum let it be known that he was going to write a major story, a bombshell so to speak and he said Meyer would leave after the season was over. He then later made some outrageous claim that he was really writing about Gator fans or some such nonsense. He had no inside information about Meyer as he claimed and you may think he's second to none, I think he's a hack. We will just have to agree to disagree I guess.
This report says Kelly's signing is on the brink of signing. Brian Kelly on brink of becoming Notre Dame's next coach
One of the two of us listen to the guy and read the guy regularly. I'm telling you, that you're wrong. Your memory has huge orange and blue paint streaks all over it. He writes 'big' articles all the time. They are big to those who get pissed off I guess... But I know this.. the next SEC coach that he's wrong about (that he doesn't jump right out and admit he was wrong) will be the first.. and he hasn't been wrong that often. I've heard him stand up and own up for when he was given bad info. I've never seen or heard him back down when he is sure he's right... and he's made it clear about two things. 1) He doesn't like Urban Meyer 2) Urban Meyer is a weird mofo. The article was right.. It's time to move on because the fan base is bat **** crazy. Have you seen your guys fans lately? I'm not casting stones here Bill. I'm a member of the most loathsome, bat **** crazy, black helicopter flying fan base on the planet.. and Im telling ya.. you guys are catching up.
Corey, I'm not going to hijack this topic by discussing Finebum. However I am starting a new topic with his article and three articles about his article. I'll let the people who read them judge whether Finebum is the upstanding journalist you claim or closer to what I believe. Let's leave this topic for the Notre Dame coaching search.
wait... the Irish are looking for a coach? I thought all things related somehow to the Gators... so far so many other topics have
ND <t>Well I'm losing optimism over this coach search now. I can tell you for sure that if ND settles for Edsall this program is really taking a step down. Nothing personal but this guy has done nothing in my mind that would indicate he would be successful at ND. No way. <br/> <br/> This whole thing really seems to have gone sideways to me. <br/> <br/> If they can't get Kelly on board we got big problems and I mean BIG. <br/> <br/> maybe I'm just impatient... which I usually am but...oh well I guess I don't have any choice but to wait for this thing to end. Unfortunately I don't think it's going to end well for ND.</t>