The Wifey thinks were leaving when she gets up...sorry you married a JARHEAD honey...your little world's reveille starts at ZERO DARK 30 Baby Doll!! OOOORRRAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Here's what the HUSKERMAN is Thankful for on Thursday...NEBRASKA CORNHUSKER Motivated Tom Osborne - one of the classiest coaches who ever walked the sidelines...he set the tone for what our program became known for across the country Husker Nation All my friends at the SKYBOX Nebraska.....the Motherland Kickoffs Sellout Streak - 300 plus and unprecedented accomplishment for the "Children of the Corn" Grand Island - I'll be there on Thursday. Intelligent, impressive fans Victory Iowa State...thanks for the wakeup call Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory Game of the Century - MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD....THAT JUST PUT THEM IN THE AISLES!!
Post of the Year!!! Happy Thanksgiving!! That is if you survive getting the wife up at zero dark 30!!!
Nice Post AJ. Enjoy your trip to Nebraska. We are leaving in a couple of hours for Jacksonville Fla to spend Thanksgiving with family and friends, then attend the Gator - FSU game at the Swamp. Enjoy.
Cindy and I are staying in Austin. No blood family here but the extended work family is having a big Thanksgiving spread at the big boss' house. Our marathon travels will come during the Christmas and New Year Weeks.
I'm off to Indy. My youngest daughter is hosting this year. All the kids and grandkids will get together this weekend except for son Michael who is honeymooning at the Great Barrier Reef or in Sydney. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
May all the Skyboxers and families have a great Thanksgiving. I'll be several miles from Gipper at our home in Indy for the holiday. Our oldest daughter on the south side is hosting the T-day meal. I'm looking forward to it. Safe travels to all.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends. We are driving 10 hrs. to Dayton, Ohio tomorrow morning for the weekend. Safe travels and good times to all.