I'm looking for legal opinions here.... Gipper? We are going to try these Muslim scumbags in NYC when we should be taking them on a one way boat ride. It is my understanding that by trying them on American soil we are giving these vermin full legal rights, the same rights we enjoy. For the last couple of days Obama and Holder have been running around telling everyone not to worry , that a conviction is guaranteed. If I were their legal team I would ask for an immediate mistrial based on this braggadocio from the sitting President and AG or at the very least a change of venue to a another country. Am I wrong?
Last time they held trials in the US, they had to disclose that they received the information from spying on satellite phones. Guess what, Bad guys aren't using them anymore!!!!! I don't get it, Obama anti-American?
Son of a gun! I just heard a news story on the radio that an official from the JAG office ( Judge Advocate General ?) suggested in an interview that Obama and Holder may have prejudiced any potential jurors with their guarantees of conviction and that the defense will most certainly explore that option in asking for a dismissal, mistrial or change of venue. Now the question is... are these two guys that stupid or are they intentionally trying to sabotage this case?
Gip, Bobda, any other Skybox attorneys that may exist.... I've got to believe that there is a high probability that much or at least some of the evidence against these scumbags was discovered as a results of tactics that may not stand up well in court.....is there a chance that the governments case is jeopardized or seriously weakened as a result of this evidence get thrown out.....is it possible these guys can walk or bargain for a greatly reduced plea????? Is this amateur hour as it appears? Again.....WTF? :x :x
First of all, I'm not aware of any criminal trial ever being transfered to another COUNTRY. I don't think that that is possible. However I can see the defense asking for transfer to either Tehran or LA. I'm completely puzzled by this decision. As far as I know, this has never been done before (but than I'm seeing many things from this administration that I've never seen before.) I think it's absurd and I can't imagine the ramifications. Does this mean that ever time our military takes anyone into custody ie. captures a combatant on the field of battle they have to Marandize them because they could potentially be someone involved in terrorist plots? And do we fly over an attorney if they ask for one when questioning starts? Quite frankly, I can't see any evidence that we've gotten from interviews with them will hold up. Hell they didn't have a warrant when they arrested him. Of course what discovery the court will allow the defense attorney will be interesting. I'm sure he/she will want to be digging in areas that the government doesn't want them going. Just like the satellite phone fiasco, new secrets might be discovered and disclosed. This a another bad idea by a band of idiots. Just what this trial is meant to prove is beyond me. If it somehow is meant to embarass the Bush administration I think it will fail. The average American, not the partisan far left fringe, will be disgusted by the whole circus. The only persons who will benefit are those that believe that there is nothing interesting on daytime TV.
I'm having a tough time comprehending this whole situation. I am not sure just what the motive is. I don't buy that it is just Holders decision. I read the other day that perhaps Holder does not have the authority to take this away from the military. Any truth in that?
true story: I once saw a man walking alongside the 10 freeway back home.. He was on the overpass. I wondered, 'why is he doing that?'... I mean, it's California Interstate.. that's dangerous enough.. but the side of the road on those overpasses is only about 3 to 4 feet wide, a car could hit you by accident.. I couldn't figure out what this guy was doing... Then the guy stepped out in front of an 18 wheeler.. his agenda was more clear then. I have that feeling now. I'm watching the guy take this case alongside the interstate.. I don't know why he's doing this.. I wonder if it will end up the same way.
If you are suggesting that Obama and Holder are trying to " throw the game " well, that thought occurred to me as well.
Yup. It's the logical conclusion. It's just the one you don't want to think is true. Maybe I am wrong. I hope so.