Final regular season games were yesterday and while the final standings aren't up yet it looks to me like Irish Corey won the West and T-Bucks won the East. The Wild card teams will be North Carolina Gators and Hoosier Irish from the East. IrishCorey won his way to the East with a colossal day yesterday scoring enough points to pass NDFan77 in total points and win the tiebreaker. NDFan77 seemed to be cruising into the finals three weeks ago but lost the last three including an unfortunate week where the system didn't give them any points because of a lineup violation. T-Bucks dominated the league only losing only twice, scoring far and away the most points and has to be the odds on favorite. The way I see it the first week match ups will be T-Bucks - Hoosier Irish IrishCorey - North Carolina Gators. I want to thank Scott for doing this again, it's been, and will be for the next two weeks, a lot of fun.
How did what happen Corey? And this is not final it is how I read what happened as long as there is no major change in the points from yesterday. How you got in the playoffs? You had an awesome day yesterday and passed NDFan in total points and tied on record. How did he have an illegal lineup? I don't know, I didn't notice it until the scores were up last week and did post a couple of topics to get him to get his lineup right this week. If he had won or you had not scored as many points as you did he would be in the playoff. Again remember it's my assumption based on the results.
Oh i remember his illegal lineup..It was either too many or to few starting players. I'm just amazed that this team I have made the playoffs. I've been putting band aids on this thing week to week trying to nickle and dime points.
I think he had to many running backs. The penalty seems extreme getting zero points but that's what the rules say. I've been fighting it all year also Corey, but look at it this way, one of us is going to be in the final against either Sid or BT. That is if I've analyzed things right, and I think I have.
Wow, yesterday the scores looked pretty final but I guess they updated them a little more and NDFan 77 ended up winning his match this weekend against Pink Dragons by 1.25 points and holding first place in his division over Irish Corey, thus knocking Corey out of the playoffs. I never understood why it takes so long to get the scores completely updated but it does. And the league is a lot of fun. So the Semii Finals are Hoosier Irish - T Bucks North Carolina Gators - NDFan77
That was bs too on the illegal lineup. It was right, I switched a guy in and another out for the week. I checked it twice, then saw later on that I had an extra RB. Totally confused by this... I need to get focused again for playoffs...Good Luck to all
Also whats with a weak opponent subtraction? Dobbs (Navy) beats Deleware and then I got 10.75 pts deducted because of a weak opponent? What's the deal there?
77, The weak opponent is usually a 1aa team and you get a 25% reduction from your points against that opponent. I need to check whether FIU is a weak opponent or not because I have 5 Gators, I will play 4, who play them this week. You made it to the playoff and would have been playing me no matter whether you had the points you lost from that one week so you didn't get hurt. So good luck this week, just not to much luck.
Here's the rule on point deduction for weak opponents. It is non Div 1-a opponents. In my case I believe FIU is a Div1A.
Bill, You better not make my dump, Dixon come back to haunt me....I had no patience with him early on, so how about you give him back??? I wish it was fun to watch closely but cbs takes a couple days to get it right. Good Luck
Well I have to hope that Dixon has a good day. Yeah CBS is slow to get the college points right. I've been burned a couple of times this year. I saw as much as a 15 point change. The good news is that if you check your own, and opponents, scores you can usually spot the errors. I did not spot what happened with you this week when you got nine points more on Sunday night. I know that as often as not it's with the defenses. Good luck to you. See you on the playing field.