nd <r>NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO OPTION!!!!!!<br/> <br/> Been there, done that. That offense that Kelly has at UC right now will work just fine with the talent ND has.<br/> <br/> NO OPTION! <E>:?</E></r>
My only point to the Charlie Debate....He has his players now, yes more offensive and they look very good on the offensive side for years to come. Now on defensive side, Charlie relied on others to help (coaches), and Corwin was over his head when he first came on. Tenuta was supposed to solve a lot but not working and don't hear much in the way of recruits being swayed to come to ND b/c of Tenuta. I think with some of the Def recruits coming in and some that are there, the def can come back. Might need Crennel though to offer new fire under the arse of the D. I just don't want Charlie to be gone and then others leave...Martin is gone, teo might leave go on mission next year while having to sit out. Can't start back at square one. ND is in way better shape then they have in past decade. Either way, all in all it's just so frustrating!
Hey 77, good thing you don't want Meyer. On a lighter note you need to fix your lineup in the Skyboxer Fantasy league. You still lead your division but got 0 points last week becasue of a illegal lineup. That need not hurt you if you fix it for this week. Hey Irish fans how about Kiffin?
Man today Jimmy Clausen and Eric Olsen shouldered the blame for the loss at the Captains press conference, then Corwin Brown came out blasting the Navy coach for his post game comments and said he'd willingly jump in a foxhole with Charlie and Tenuta....I mean technically would it be a foxhole if Charlie could fit? bada bing...I'll be here all week!
BCS #2 LSU - Nick Saban BCS #9 USC - "Pom Pom" Pete Carroll BCS #12 Pitt - Dave Wannstedt BCS #23 Oregon State - Mike Riley That's just off the top of my head, but it looks like these former pro coaches seem to be doing alright, regardless of any perceived disdain for recruiting.
a few things: sometimes you can coach them up and put them in a position to have success, and the kids blow it. That happened Saturday. What did we have 3 red zone turnovers and 2 missed chip shot FGs from a kid who had made hte previous 14? Any one of those guys don't choke it and the Irish win. That's a fact. Second, Academy worship. It has to stop. Might as well pick Veteran's Day to throw this out there and increase my popularity. I've had 4 friends play for the Academies. 1 Navy, 1 Army and 2 Air Force. All 4 started. 1 was All-WAC all 4 years at Air Force. These guys don't respect Notre Dame. In fact, they hate Notre Dame. They are tremendously dirty teams and poor winners. Next year, regardless of who the coach is, the goal should be to hang 100 on Navy. It should be every year.. If I am in a bar or restaurant and find a veteran of a foreign war in house, I will at least make the offer to pick up their check.. even in my broke ass state of financial affairs now. These kids though.. are still that.. unproven, learning and still earning respect. We hand them too much and that respect is certainly not reciprocated.
ND <r>As a vet myself and speaking for myself I say we should respect the hell out of these guys AFTER we beat the hell out of them on the FOOTBALL field!<br/> <E></E></r>
Yeah I have on one side appreciated Charlie for the respect he's show the academies when we play them, that's nice. If you remember the last time we played Air Force out there Charlie negotiated something with them to honor a squadron that Bill Lewis son was a member of that had some sort of tragedy happen to it. Great. Good PR. But then go out and beat hell out of those guys, in fact I'm not sure how you motivate your kids to beat hell out of somebody when you spend a bunch of time on showing so much respect. Pre Game Handshake, post game handshake, 60 minutes of beating in between. Both Air Force and Navy are big boys, they play to win, anybody remember the Air Force/ND game where we lost 2 players to broken legs? As Corey says they are not a bunch of choir boys, and would you want a bunch of touchy feely guys defending your country?
I don't know if any of you saw Corwin Brown's comments on it, but I'm with him 100%. The post-game comments by Navy's HC were bush league. Corwin had a fire in his eyes and I certainly have a feeling that the love fest for Navy will be over as long as he's there. Hopefully he'll get another shot at them.
Not that I would expect a Navy Sports Blog to take up for Brown, but I really think he was ill advised to say what he said. When you lose and you complain it's hard to see it as anything other than whining. He may be right and all but I doubt if very many non-ND fans see it that way. Navy Guy of course didn't agree that what most people agree was a cheap shot, was in fact a cheap shot.... Navy Guy Shouts Back Better just to take the beating like a man, complain in private, readjust as necessary so you coach better and help the team to play better.
ND <t>Stu,<br/> <br/> Yyou read it right. NO OPTION!, I'm allowed to make one mistake every couple of years and the option was a big one. If I never see another "option" play by a ND player it will be just peachy with me. So yes, NO OPTION game ever again at ND.</t>