We want no part of 715 (with asteric) History. 1st up, Mark Mulder who's coming off a 8 2/3 no run performance against the Mets.
On a related but somewhat political bend. Jesse Jackson has a Sunday morning radio call in show called Keep Hope alive. This sunday it was devoted mainly to Barry Bonds and how if he were white (not kidding on this either) that he wouldn't be getting all the bad publicity that he's getting now. The whole thing is racist. They touched on the Russ Springer incident and said that it was racist as well, that if Barry were white and Springer were black he'd have been suspended for life (no kidding either). Then they got off on to Tiger Woods and said that the tour is racist because they have been altering the golf courses ever since Tiger came on the scene to try and keep a Black man from wining. I'm not making that up!! Terry
What a crock of ****. McGwire lost my respect during the Congressional Hearings, and I'm White and a Cards fan. About Tiger. Tiger spurred a whole new generation of Physically Fit golfers, and those that have worked harder on their games than ever before. Tiger doesn't even lead in most of the categories anymore. All he did was get everyone's attention that Golf is no longer a country club sport now, and he sent the msg also that if your gonna beat me, you better get on your game. Augusta National was the 1st to react towards Tiger. In that '97 Masters, all he did was just blow it past all the trouble, and then had a sandwedge into the green. A Frickin' SANDWEDGE!!...as compared to when players of past were using 2-3 more club. Since then, they (Lords of Augusta) have stretch and added more hazards several times. It wasn't trying to shut down Tiger, it's trying to get the game back to being a test besides the joke these young guns and new equipment are making out of these courses.
Speaking of Tiger, when does the Ft. Leonardwood Jr Golf season kick off? Will you be keeping us up on Lance as well so that we can guage once and future rivals?
Were you listening in, Terry? Is this how you spend your Sunday mornings? Inquiring minds want to know. :wink:
I actually do listen, I wake up pretty early ..old age you know....and I go to mass usually at 9:30 so I'll read the paper and listen from 6 to 8. It gets my blood moving if you know what I mean. Quick summary, pretty much everything is a plot to keep the blackman down.
Little by little, the Jesse Jacksons of the world are fading into obscurity. JJ still has his followers primarily because he preaches a message that suits the agendas of his audience. He shows up to support wrongdoers, claiming that it's the white man's fault. Of course, the wrongdoers give him an amen because he's trying to manipulate public opinion in their favor. Dr. King must be squirming in his grave to see one of his former disciples engaging in such aggressive race baiting. You may recall that I'm among the more liberal members of the skybox when it comes to topics of race. However, as far as JJ is concerned, count me as one who wishes he would just go away and never be heard from again.
Cards... <t>Win yet another series and stop Baroids dead. Reds lose as do Oswalt and the Stros. On to Colorado.<br/> <br/> Just had the Dish network installed with MLB extra, ahhhh life is good.</t>
Husker... <t>I was wrong in that they are off to try and take another series. The Padres rookie 2B is a local kid here I know well Josh Barfield. Great young man whose Dad Jesse was a very good ML player. Josh was a local HS star at Klein HS and is doing very well as the starting 2B for the Padres. His little (LOL) brother Jeremy 6-3 235 will go high in the upcoming June draft and he has serious power. Like Josh he will sign out of HS and get his career started immediately versus going the college route.</t>
Larry what ever happened to those two kids from Elkins who got them the State Championship, Wardell something and I forget the other kids name but I think he signed with the Dodgers. Terry
Terry <t>Wardell Starling is with the Pirates in the minors I believe and James Looney is with the big club in LA. I saw him on MLB Extra with the great Vin Scully calling the game. Nice young prospect for the Dodgers.</t>
:idea: James Loney is a very good player indeed. He filled in when Nomar was hurt at the beginning of the season and was moved back to Triple-A Las Vegas when Nomar returned. His return forced another super prospect named Guzman to move to the outfield. The Dodgers are so loaded with prospects that something is going to have to give. They can't keep players like Loney and Guzman down forever. A lot will depend on resigning Nomar, who's batting .375. If he doesn't sign, watch for both Loney and Guzman to move up permanently next year; otherwise they will be traded... .............DD