This .... <t>Saturday starts a good positive run or the beginning of the end of Charlie Weiss at ND.<br/> <br/> I want to see an offensive line that for the first time in years actually run blocks and protects JC. I want to see a defense that gets after people with pressure and defensive backs that play up on receivers and don't give 8-10 yards cushions. We do that we get 10 wins this year and maybe are over the hump. Watching at 2:30 local time in Houston.</t>
Yeah I better not see blitzing guys running into lineman. Last year was horrible with no pressure. Anyone get some ND music on here? Get everyone pumped up.
nevada <r>Let's hope the boys are ready to kick some butt....<br/> <br/> THE HELL WITH NEVADA!... AND ANYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE THEM!!! <E>8)</E></r>
Tim, I certainly hope that Nevada does not look old, fat , and out of shape. I'd hate to think that you just said to hell with me! :?
Atta boy Tim!! Beat Hell out of Nevada. After watching the BSU game last night, and Nevada is the #2 WAC team, you know they will be ready to play and the Irish better take them out early and often. Tom, you're too light to play Div1 football!!
Well, the infamous sign has been taken down, and Mr. Reynolds is crying that his rights have been violated. Methinks Burkhart Advertising, the owner of the sign board, felt the pressure from the community and beyond. Heh heh. Here is the South Bend Tribune about the sign coming down: Waaaa!! They've violated my First Amendment rights! It's a conspiracy against me! Waaaaaa!
Mark "I've fallen... and I can't get up" Mayday just picked Nevada over Notre Dame. Looks like the Domers can relax a little. That guy couldn't pick the winner of an ex-lax defecation contest.
Actually may has been uncannily accurate in his Notre Dame predictions. in fact, I believe he predicted there last two season records exactly right. I hope he is wrong tomorrow.
m may <r>You had to figure he was going to pick nevada as he normally does pick ND to lose. <br/> <br/> I think the first couple of seasons under CW he was way off on his predictions as ND won most of their games then.<br/> <br/> He hasn't been EXACTLY right the past couple of season but if you were picking the Irish to lose the past 2 years you were right more often than wrong. <E>8)</E></r>
My son recently was in a small group conversation with May and Reece at a reception for Coach Holtz during the College FB Hall of Fame weekend. May predicted ND to go 9-3 with a loss to Nevada.
Good showing by the Irish to start the season. The defense bent but didn't break against a damn good offense, and the offense could have scored as many points as Charlie wanted to. Clausen was great, and Michael Floyd is just sick.
Now, did I tell you to relax or did I tell you to relax? Bada boom bada bing... Nevada feels the sting! :wink:
Where are the Domers? Great game today and they are nowhere to be... oh... Irish pubs are making a lot of money tonight!!! :wink:
I was very happy for the win, Nevada had 3 1000yd rushers returning and their QB was one of them. They gashed us up the middle with that Tuna kid pretty good and that is worrisome. The QB showed what an athlete he was when we got to him with the blitz but he wouldn't let us get good shot and turned what would have been 10yd losses for most QB's into a gain. But his passing wasn't what I'd thought I would see. They said he lost his WR's so that might have been it. Jimmy Clausen and his WR's looked very good, I can't emphasize enough the "AND", as those guys made some great catches. If he doesn't have those guys then some of those balls are incomplete. I was suprised (pleasantly) at Michael Floyds long TD's, I had not thought of him as a WR who could out run the secondary, apparently I was wrong. Running backs had a good/not great game. When I watched Bama I saw a great running game. We had a good one, but we're still not there as far as having a running game you can count on...but based on what I saw I'm hopeful that it will continue to develop. I hope James Aldridge is just dinged up not lost for multiple games. Of the RB's I liked Jonas Gray the best, he showed me some speed and power and I think he might have better vision when he's running than Allen. That kid Riddick, I liked what I saw from him he's got some potential. I do not think Armando will finish the season as the starter. Defense. Well those guys pitched a shutout what else can you say. They gave up yardage between the tackles and that is worrisome. But that is where they are still pretty young so I have hope that can get fixed. All that blitzing still sort of scares me, I still see a lot of blitzes where 2 or 3 guys are going but they all get picked up and that leaves the DB's on an island. Somebody will make us pay for that. But they came up with stops and turnovers when they were needed. So I'm pretty darn hopeful that this could be an excellent defense by the end of the year and Manti Te'o...that kid can play. What was I disappointed in? Well 7 points in the 2nd half, not converting that INT by Kyle McCarthy into points. Saying that you were going to let Dayne Crist just run the offense, then when he gets in you only throw 1 pass and just pound the ball and run the clock. Nobody in Knoxville, or South Central or Gainesville or Austin Tx was afraid to run up the score on their opponent. I would have liked to have seen us score in the 50s, we should have IMHO. Maybe the Nevada defense was just up to the task, made good halftime adjustments, I don't know. But hey it was a great win! I look forward to the trip to Michigan!