I have yet to see a gun go off when alcohol is placed next to it. :wink: The issue is that a person with a permit can carry in a restaurant or bar that serves alcohol as long as that person does not drink<i></i>. The legal limit for alcohol is .08 in Tennessee. If you blow a .01, the lowest register on the BAT device, and you are carrying a firearm, you go to jail. The argument about alcohol and firearms do not mix is something I TOTALLY AGREE WITH! But in the context of the stated law, if the two were to mix, the person carrying is now considered a criminal. I have yet to see a law that will prevent a criminal from doing anything.
It's incredibly stupid to my way of thinking to appear at a Presidential rally carrying (legally) an assault rifle.
Should we assume his clip is empty? Something tells me the answer to that is no. I am shocked that anyone is allowed within range of the POTUS with any kind of firearm. You gotta believe that if he so much as touched that weapon he would have had a nice tight shot pattern in his forehead.
LOL! That very significant fact was not included in the TV report. It changes the entire context of the "debate" to.....Where's the problem (with the law)?
As Stu's quote points out, and correctly so, state laws are overridden by federal laws when a federal official is involved. If that guy with the M-4 was able to get within that confine, he would have been stripped of the gun... best case. There are a lot of reports that come out that shine light on the way a reporter wants it to look. That guy could have been two miles away and be portrayed to be within hand shake distance. Even at that, I agree with the NRA that it was a bonehead move.
The other side of the debate has this opinion: Given a legally armed citizen that has done nothing for 51 years (in my case) that would prohibit that person from carrying a firearm. Given an establishment that is a restaurant that just happens to serve alcohol. Put those two together and what is going to magically change that person into a murderer? You gentlemen that attended the get together in Kansas City... what did you see me drinking? You saw me drink one beer at the meeting Friday night. You saw me drinking Diet Coke every other time there was a drink in my hand. Yes, one beer could possibly adversely affect me. The only reason alcohol touched my lips was because there was a legal sign proclaiming at least 51% of revenue came from alcohol sales. Therefore, my firearm was not present in that establishment. My firearm was present at the tailgate, not in the ballpark. I touched no alcohol that day. That my friends is the definition of a legally armed individual making sure that he does nothing to lose that right. Most everyone that has been through the process to obtain a permit has the same mindset as I do. I am certain that number is not 100%, but I would bet that the percentage of legally armed citizens that drink while armed is lower by at least a factor of 50 than the percentage of unarmed people that drink and then get in their cars and make a deadly weapon out of their Coupe De Ville. :wink: In Texas, the laws on carrying are very similar to Tennessee. If I get pulled over and blow a .01 (.08 legal limit), I am not DUI but I still go to jail if there is a gun in the car even though I have a permit.
When I went to see Bill Clinton, and I have mentioned this before, two things really stood out to me aside from Clinton's obvious charm and charisma.. -The security to get within viewing distance of the POTUS is incredible. -Those Secret Service guys are beyond good at their job. Guys in 3 piece suits that literally vanish into crowds or thin air. How does a guy in a suit vanish into a crowd of thousands of college students on a 95+ degree day in So Cal. They also had all high ground covered with snipers positions atop them. These guys literally could have taken down someone standing blocks away.
Hey TT does that texas law apply to long guns also? Ofcourse I'm referring to if they are in a wrap or case.
If you are referring to the zero tolerance for alcohol when in possession of firearms, it matters not what kind of firearm.
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I have a feeling... don't know why... but I think that would be a weeeee bit North of Tennessee and Texas.
all of a sudden it came through.....but where the hell is Stash? By the way Jeffers would have loved that one. Tod didn't appreciate the finer points of deer camp
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