What are the prospects of our investment in the domestic autos showing a similar return? http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/88e0d226-901e-11de-bc59-00144feabdc0.html
I don't know nuttin' 'bout them stinkin' insurance companies, but my guess is like the autos, that's money we ain't gonna see again.....let's just hope the banks keep lining Uncle's pockets!
Yeah, the banks are just lining Uncle's pockets. http://money.cnn.com/2009/08/21/news/economy/bank_failures/?postversion=2009082119 Guarantee alonge cost the FDIC 3 billion.
So the healthy banks will be assessed a special FDIC premium to replenish the insurance fund and if my math is correct, without the investment in Citi, we'd be short $8 billion....what am I missing counselor?
If we hadn't "invested" in Citi we wouldn't have a "paper profit" of 11 billion we'd have the 300 billion we spent bailing them out.
To date, Uncle has received $7.3 billion in dividends in cash, an additional $3 billion to repurchase warrants in cash from TARP recipients and is receiving dividend payments of hundreds of millions a month to go with the $8 billion appreciation on the Citi investment.....not to mention the billions in value appreciation in other positions, e.g. BofA. In addition to the material benefit of stabilizing the country's financial system, the capital injection into the banking system is well on its way to generating real and meaningful cash returns to the taxpayer as well.... Perhaps the return from investing in Pelosi's swamp rats is a better deal for Uncle, but I don't think so.....