Hi SR !!!!......going to NC mountains tomorrow till the end of the week for a few days of motorcycling and tennis....gotta blow off the bad karma....and its not even football season !!!
Cindy took her first steps down the hall this morning. She did well with PT and is now resting. I'll get her hooked up here in just a little while.
Thanks for all the kind words and well wishes. I'm actually doing pretty well. No PCA pain pump. Just pills and a nerve block. I took 2 walks today and did 2 rounds of PT. Diane The pain is worse at first but it's a different pain. The pain before surgery fells like it is deep and never ending. The post op pain feels more like a healing pulling pain due to tight stitches. I think it is worth the pain. My staff and the other managers are phenomenal. They're a great bunch. Tom is great to me and has been wonderful help. I'm looking forward to going home and know I will be well taken care of.
Yes I do!!! However, I know she would kick my arse if she found something that she didn't post. :shock: Wel, maybe after the knee heals anyway. :wink: It was Cindy that posted that but it was the drugs that influenced it. :?
You're screwed Tom, she could kick your ass with a bad knee and now they are giving her a new bionic one. Man, you better be on your best behavior I hope she's doing well
I'm doing well. But sleeping more than a couple of hours at a time is more than my body wants to do right now. Thanks guys.
Hey Cindy, Jeanne wants me to let you know that not only are we in Yellowstone right now but that we have taken hikes of a couple of miles. That may not sound like much to some folks but considering she had one knee replaced last August and the second on in February it shows how fast things can change for the better. She can walk further now than before the operations and she is sure you will do the same. We are both glad to hear it's over and you are starting the rehab process and knowing what you know about all this anyway know you will make fast progress. Best from both of us.
Bill that's great. I'm glad you've both recovered so well form injury and surgeries. I'm very sore this morning because I was a little too ambitious yesterday but the doc says I'm probably going home tomorrow. Have a great vacation.
OK Corey... You don't have to tell all of my sec... well maybe that one was not a big secret. :wink: :?
Oh it's no secret, she could kick all our asses. I'm just faster than you Of course, now she's got this new knee thing that may change things in the long run.
It has been less painful than I expected or I have hurt so much for so long that this is not so bad. :roll: I just came back from my third walk of the day and don't have to have help lifting my leg into or out of the bed. So I guess all in all not so bad. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. And I promise not to be obvious about kicking anyone's rear. :twisted: :lol:
She's back.... home that is. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/yJl-rRkIPgw&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/yJl-rRkIPgw&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Tom, that is priceless......I hope you're out of range! :shock: Glad to hear she's doing well.....you my friend are in deep doo-doo! :lol:
Terry I have you know I don't need no stinking oxycontin. Now where is that lortab???? :wink: Terry He is in range. But in my world bitch is a compliment. It stands for: Babe In Total Control of Herself and sometimes her Husband :roll: Thanks for all the good words guys and gal.