It's Charlie Weis. Sid's hometown paper published a list of salaries for the 2007/2008 Fiscal year. The highest paid coach was Tyrone Willingham at 650K, the next was Mike Brey and 3rd was Charlie Weis at 521K. How long was that contract with Willingham anyhow? It seems like he's made out like a bandit, instead of being mistreated by that racist University in South Bend. Also I am suprised that Charlies Sal is so low. I know in the past coaches made lots of their money with shoe contracts, coaches shows and stuff like that. But in todays Notre Dame I don't think Charlie even has a coaches show, doesn't do a call in radio show like Mack Brown does during the season, and the Ath Dept makes the deals with the shoe and apparel companies rather than the individual coaches. Coaches also got country club memberships, paid up life insurance, car deals, probably a deal on the home. Most of that through the alumni club or guys with big cigars. But I don't think we have big cigars at ND. So where does the rest of that supposed 3M/year that charlie makes. The other thing I noted is that Father Jenkins makes 475K/year. I thought priests took a vow of poverty. Got room and board plus some spending money and medical/dental and retirement home. What's a priest going to with 475K/year? ND Salaries
Well that didn't work out very well for the good Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli did it? Maybe a safer pursuit, like base jumping for charity would be better for Fr. Jenkins!
I'd suggest bodyguard monsignors and an asbestos suit for all the flack he's caught since honoring Obama.
Code: How long was that contract with Willingham anyhow? It seems like he's made out like a bandit, instead of being mistreated by that racist University in South Bend. You'd have thought for that much money he'd at least offer some defense of his generous patrons. But nah, not good ole Ty, he's probably just too lazy to lift a finger.
Terry, I believe you are still right that most coachs gets a lot of his money from other than the university. When Charlie signed that 10 year contract I think I remember he was one of, if not the, highest paid coaches in college football. It was over two mill a year if I remember right. That can't be all of his compensation.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's a joke, right? So Charlie has no radio or TV show, doesn't get shoe money or football camp money and doesn't do promo work? I promise you that his tax return shows more than they say, there is more than one way to skin a cat! I don't know where it comes from, but surely it comes from somewhere.......and before I get nuked for suggesting something evil at work at ND, that is not the case at all......I am quite certain everything is very legit, I'm just curious how Charlie's deal works.....period.
I was under the impression that he was making somewhere in the $3-4,000,000 range annually. How they skin that cat is unknown to me. I do know he flew out here last summer in the ND jet to see the Haskell Cup race at Monmouth Park because his plane was right across the street from my office and my buddy saw him at the track. I'm sure he had official recruiting business as well.... 8)