played all three HS sports, football, Basketball, Lacrosse...followed older brother Victor, a soph at FSU and a Lacrosse superstar plus won MVP in basketball. 6'2" 180 lbs, like five inches taller than mua, about the same damm weight though. To win all county here in South Florida you gotta be good, this ain't Tennessee or some other downtrodden little spit of a town.
Son Victor was recruited by FSU for Lacrosse but he partied too much so he left to pump up grades and come back hopefully next season, he now has a 3.0 but needs another five courses to catch up
My nephew is the LaCrosse coach at a good-sized HS in Orlando. I can't recall the name, but I know through him what a big-time sport it is in Florida. Congrats on your boys' accomplishments. Now get the older one back in the classroom and on the right road.
Hey Zo, great to hear from you again. Any truth to the rumor that JOCo stopped by in Miami to visit and you and he took your boat out for a three hour tour...a three hour tour.
Gonz, We were taking the boat from Stuart to Marathon three weeks ago to tarpon fish. Just off South Beach we blew the port diesel engine and had to limp in to the Miami Beach marina where we abandoned ship and continued by rental car..... I was thinking of you while sitting on the dock drinking Red Stripes. By the way, the dock hands were running call girls like crazy while we were there. One boat after another would pull into the marina and the dock hands would point them to an empty slip where there would help one or more hookers onto the boat. In exchange the captain would pay them $1.00 a boat foot in cash for the access. No lines were thrown or tied. Quite a side business.... 8)
Sid, which name you can't remember, the nephew or the school? You must be talking about Pinecrest or St. Andrews, the two biggest lacrosse HS in this part of the state. krebs, dunno nothing about the dock you were at but send me the GPS numbers, and I'll use your 1,000 bucks, what happened, your wallet was thin that day? As far as JOCO is concerned, he has a seat at the helm anytime, the rest are paying custormers.
LOL! The school. I emailed my brother for the name. I'll post it when I receive his reply. It's a public high school.