I have resided in Michigan and made my life in Michigan...for the past 31 years. All of my 3 sons were born in Detroit. Now...I prepare to pack up and start a new job in my original home state of Florida in three weeks. My wife has family here and it's tough for me to leave them as I have adopted them as my own. My sister-n-law cries frequently when the subject of us leaving comes up. My own family will be stuck behind until we sell the house...hopefully at some kind of profit from a purchase made in 1992. Hard as it may seem I only hope to draw some equity out of the house selling even after owning it for 17 years. It is a crazy...lousy....time we live in economically and hopefully it gets better....a lot better. I do think Michigan will one day prosper again because there are some great...hard working people up here who I am sure will yet again find a place for their skills and capabilities. I don't have that kind of time to waste at age 54 so off I go. At least I still have renewed Gator season tickets in spite of my unemployed status when I had to re-up.
Glad you got a job MCG, that was quicker than a lot of folks. My son, in Raleigh, has only gotten some temporary employment since he lost his job over a year ago. His temporary job now may turn out to be permanent, we are hoping. Hopefully the house will sell soon and your family will be reunited. Good luck.
Congrats Dave! I am happy for you and your family. While it may suck, remember that you are not beholden to the state of Michigan. It is not your responsibility. The decisions that have effected your family were made by people far beyond your scope of control. You can only take care of you and your family. You are doing the right thing. Godspeed.
Good luck, Dave. Where are you moving to in FLA? Perhaps we have a tarpon or snook trip in our futures.....
Thanks for the kind words from everyone. I am leaving here on approx. June 9th to drive down with a few things in the car to move into a temporary furnished apt. or the like which I have yet to find as I just accepted the offer this past Sat. George I am moving to the Clearwater area so yes....a tarpon/snook trip would be very cool. I will be within 2-3 1/2 hours of just about anywhere on the east coast and within 2 hours of anything on the Gulf side so you name the time and place and I'll be there.
Congratulations, Dave, on your resilience and your drive, which is what got you the job. I can't imagine how painful it must be to pick up stakes and move far away from the home you have known for 31 years. Whatever disagreements we may have on this board are - in the words of a beloved deceased mentor - babyshit, compared to the life changes you are undergoing because of circumstances far beyond your control. Good luck in the transition. I have a strong feeling that you have the strength and character to get yourself and your family through this challenge and to make a new and successful life in Florida.
Thank you Mike. Seems like we should have met up for a cold one somewhere in the MC in all these years...
Hell, I once drove about 30 miles from Haines City to Kissimmee just to deliver some flowers to Gator Bill. I think I told you this Dave, my wife is from Grosse Pointe Woods in fact we were married at Star of the Sea. Had our reception at the Hunt Club.
Haven't been in the back room in awhile, so I missed this. Good Luck Dave, hope you get settled and get the family down real soon.
I don't recall that specifically Gipper. Heck....you have probably been in one of my favorite watering holes....Andiamo Trattoria.....or maybe Telly's. These are very close to my house so as not to attract the unwanted attention of the GP Wds police after a couple of martins.
Xenu.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenu Dang...I thought you were talking about a hot strip club.... :twisted: 8) ...you know....Xenu.....as in Club Xenu... :lol:
I just had a horrifying thought. As insufferable as Dave has been while a Michigan resident talking about Florida football, what's it going to be like when he is living in the heart of Gator country? :wink: