We don't care what you buy or don't buy. ND is not about explaining itself to antagonists. Stick to the world you are familiar with. What goes on at ND has nothing to do with what goes on elsewhere.
I suggest that some parents feel comfortable sending their daughters to a school where getting a coed drunk and participating in a gang bang is not considered a right for BMOCs. But I'm sure that it's fine for the parents of Gator Gals.
Actually having dropped 2 kids off at ND (including one daughter) I understand just what parents feel about the school's rules. Perhaps your interpretation is "far out."
You would be lucky if nothing happened with the regular student body....much less the dad gum football team. You guys are living in a dream world....or you're just pulling my leg here. Whatever....good luck with all that. But frankly.....I don't believe for a second that Weiss is sitting recruits down and explaining these "rules".......geez.
Well Dave, maybe... just maybe, you've been shooting off about ND without knowing all the facts. We've all heard about various coaches around the country for years now telling kids that they'd have to go to Mass everyday or become Catholic if they went to ND... In fact, I just heard that repeated the other day in my presence at a local golf course by not one, but TWO of our new football coaches here. One of whom was an HC in the SEC. You can check out these conversations to see that we're not pulling your leg about the rules and I am quite sure that the players, if not the staff, make them abundantly clear to the players. http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-notre-dame/17109-parietals.html http://talk.collegeconfidential.com...28966-sex-drugs-rock-nd-minus-drugs-rock.html The above includes the following passage from p95 of duLac and this guy's blog back in 06. We're not pulling your leg, but we sincerely appreciate your condescending derision http://scottishnous.typepad.com/my_weblog/2006/10/notre_dame_flun.html
Another development as graduation draws near: Some ND Seniors Will Forego Graduation Ceremony and Hold a Prayer Vigil Elsewhere on Campus It will be interesting to see the estimate of the number of students who don't attend graduation. I would guess only about 20-25% of the graduating seniors will attend the prayer vigil. There likely is a large percentage of the graduating class who could go either way but will choose to not pass up the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the president in person.
I just heard Greta Van Seustren talk about the ND thing and saying it will be covered tonight. I believe it will be on her show at 10pm est??? Well she was the person talking at least. So just a heads up in case some interested....
Celibacy during your prime male years... As a Michigan grad during the late 70s--that wonderful era of man-hating coeds wearing the feminist uniform of flannel shirts, granny glasses and unshaved legs--all I can say to my Domer SB brethren is that I experienced your suffering…...
That's a good one Bobda. :lol: Fortunately for me I went to THE University of Florida....a Playboy #1 party school in the early to mid-70s......before feminism took hold.....while chicks were still chicks although some were hippie chicks....and well before the advent of aids. Thankfully I'm neither Irish or Catholic...... :twisted: 8)
Now Sid and I went to ND in the 60's. On the bus from the airport to campus, one upperclassman summed up the situation perfectly when he say "guys, there's a girl in a car with a bottle behind every mountain in northern Indiana. There were no women at ND (unless you count the Polish maids or the dining hall queens.) Sure there were SOME girls at St. Mary's aprox. 1000 compared to 7,000 ND guys. Frosh guys had almost no chance at getting a date. My roomie from LA wrote back home, "ah ND, where footballs grow on trees and where men grow the horns instead of the reindeer." It wasn't easy. There were townies (some had cars.) There were a few nursing students in SB. And there were always invites to mixers at all girls schools 50 or more miles away. As the "Deer John" letters continued to pour in, even going home offered little hope of "companionship." But we perservered, we survived, and we were stronger for it. (I hope you're not really buying this ********.) In the end we had nothing but football and snow. We loved one hated the other. And 2 decades after leaving we hoped that our kids could enjoy the same college experience that we did. Funny, you'd think we liked our kids.
There's a Garth Brooks song ( I think) about unanswered prayers....I always prayed I could go to Notre Dame, but ended up at Texas.....maybe I ended up better off just being a subway fan!
In "some ways" maybe so, given the pre-coed era in which you would have been there. Gip's comments are right on.....except for the BS about persevering, surviving, and being stronger for it. :lol: