I pay 120$/month to be listed in the Yellow Pages. But I really don't remember when the last time somebody said they found us in the Yellow Pages when I asked (it's a field on my registration form). I'm wondering if I should drop the Yellow Pages book listing and just go with YellowPages.Com. It's 66$ to be listed on YellowPages.Com. I can't remember the last time I personally ever used the Yellow Pages Book. Do you guys/gals use the Yellow Pages Book?
My guess is that there is a direct correlation between usage and age. My wife uses it all the time.....I use it only when I'm not near my computer. The kids growing up today will have no clue nor understand at all why that big damn book has any utility at all.....do you have a website?
I'm going to be a dick here and say it is generational... The older the clients, the more likely they are to use the phone book. Younger kids won't be able to pick one out of a lineup. I got angry at my son the other day for dragging his butt getting the phone book for me... He got upset that I got mad.. I thought he was goofing off.. He didn't know what one looked like. Yeah, let that soak in and make ya feel old.
BT I do have a website. www.drokeefe.com. My target market is certainly a more mature group. Youngsters don't have the same level of dental needs as those over 40. So most guys like me love to see a 40-55 new patient. They have more needs and usually more ability to do things, even things not covered by their insurance and they are also eager to maintain a youthful smile, losing teeth and not replacing them is not an option. So implants and cosemetic dentistry is big in that group. Corey....lol. I figured you be in the group that threw away the Yellow Pages when they came, maybe you're an old guy in a young body!
It's the curse of GenX.. kids raised by their grandparents while their parents were out getting high I usually keep one... When I move to the Blackberry or new PalmPre soon, I will probably ditch em. If I am out of cell service, I wouldn't be able to call or look them up anyway.
Whenever I need a number, I only use yahoo. I click on the local tab and search the place for phone numbers, reviews, menus...etc The yellow pages never make it to my door, whoever delivers it way out in the front and usually gets destroyed by weather before, plus computer is quicker.
Doc, I think your website is broken. When I click on the link a new browser opens and I can see everything fine, but I don't hear the Notre Dame fight song playing.
LOL...I probably should put a link to the Skybox on the website so that patients can find me when they need me!
I also carefully reviewed the website paying close attention to the good doctor's description of his academic background. All I can say is that TOK is a shrewd Texas businessman.... :wink:
Re Yellow pages: 15 years ago, that book was always in some co-worker's office when you needed it. Now, it sits in the library gather dust. I don't think you were being a dick when making your comment, Corey. I think you are right. When I am looking for a local business, I will use it and the White Pages occasionally since I think you can locate a greater number of business more quickly using it rather than searching online but my guess is that the paper Yellow Pages are dying the death of newspapers.
Yes touting your fandom for Notre Dame in Texas is the same as saying you buy your Salsa from a company in New Yawk City.
re: Yellow Pages I used to have a half page ad, in color. Over the years I reduced it. Now I have a 16th page, black & white. And I'm thinking of going to a line item listing. I use the interent, e-mail and local sponsorships. Most people have no idea where their phonebook is.
Nice website Terry. As to the yellow pages I think it probably is a generational thing. I still use them in my small town but I don't think everyone has a website in Franklin.
That is a nice web site. Hey Doc, did I see you sitting in Yankee Stadium last night with the other sailors?