He said the Doctor "thought" the drug was ok...If I were a MLB player I wouldn't want somebody saying "I think this is ok". It's either on the list or not on the list. If they don't already have one, there should be a MLB hotline for players doctors to call and check if a particular medication is banned or not banned.
Not so fast, my friend. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_y...s-ramirezsuspension050709&prov=yhoo&type=lgns I'm not a Manny fan especially after how he tanked it in Boston last year but I do hope that he is one guy that didn't use PED's to obtain his HOF numbers. I hope Griffey and Pujols are two others.
Manny needs to upgrade his physician group. I dunno... backhanding Youk in the dugout last season... then pushing down 64 year-old Traveling Secretary Jack McCormick...
I read where the drug he took was a female fertility drug , which there is no known or approved use in men. Not only that but he traveled all the way to Fla to find a doctor who would prescribe it for him, not the team doctor or a local doctor. I wonder if will ever come out what condition was being treated.
There's a known use for it. From what I've read, steroid users will inject it following a steroid cycle to jump start their body into producing testosterone on its own again.
Ah the ins and outs of using steriods....a tangled web. That would explain why he didn't go to the team doc. I wonder if it also was thought to be a masking agent.
Rick, nice physician group. They look familiar. My opinion, FWIW (1.5 cents): When you are making $25 mil per season, if you don't want to get in trouble, you take 5 minutes or less to check the MLB list of banned substances before you fill the prescription. I propose that he knew what he was doing and did not plan on getting caught, which makes his after-the-fact apology ring hollow with me. I feel for the Dodgers, but they are strong and deep enough that I believe they will weather this storm.
8) Manny Manny who we are doing just fine w/o him......are kids and juan Pierra are covering what they have to
Yes, it does not look good for the Cubbies. The mighty Dodger train is roaring into town after sweeping the.....Uh........the Rockies? Hey! They (Dodgers) might be overconfident. They might be thinking they're hot stuff after sweeping the ......chuckle.........the.........cough......Rockies. We'll be waiting. :twisted: