Well deserved, LeBron is one hyped HSchooler who has lived up to his hype. When he was in high school and getting all that publicity and his games were being shown on ESPN, I really didn't like the kid. He had a few incidences where it appeared he was really already getting money from agents and that really bugged me. I actually sort of rooted against him succeeding as a pro. But I've changed my tune over his career. I have no idea if he's a good citizen, a good friend, teammate or if he has 5 illegitimate kids or anything about him. But he has been a truly great player, he has not made any headlines of a negative nature like Koby and his tryst with the Conceirge at his resort. He seemingly just shows up and plays. I'm now a big fan of his, and was glad he got the MVP over Koby.
you aren't braggin if you back it up. James has done a whole lotta walkin to Kobe's talkin. I'd like to see the kid get a few rings (at least a few more than Kobe). I can't see that happening in Cleveland... I wonder what he thinks about Kelly green?
Corey, if you're following this at all, you know what a fantastic job Danny Ferry has done in getting a supporting cast for LeBron...and James seems to work well with Mike Brown. I could see him going elsewhere, but it took a while to find the right mix in Cleveland. I especially can't see him going to the Knicks (the big rumor) when he'd have to start all over again being a one-man show. Meanwhile...I'm just enjoyin' the ride.
He's getting to be quite the actor in commercials these days. He's maybe one small notch below Peyton Manning but he's really entertaining.
Add me to the list of people who appreciate LeBron. I'm rooting for Cleveland and Orlando in the East final.
Stu, Oh Im watching. They are impressive and dominated once again tonight. Still, I just can't get passed the "Cleveland Cavaqueers" label of so many failed seasons in the past.
Hmmph...never heard that one before. Actually the Cavs have some pretty good history and have had some pretty good teams...what they haven't done is win a championship. Nate Thurmond, Larry Nance, Brad Daugherty, Mark Price, Austin Carr, Campy Russell, Jim Chones...all gave me some pretty good entertainment... Not to forget World B. Free. 8)
Don't forget ex-Rocket Craig Ehlo. He was involved in a very famous play vs the Bulls when he played for you guys!
Wasn't forgetting the victim of The Shot... He was a very prominant and good player for us, but I don't think he reached the accomplishments of the ones I mentioned.
Here's a couple of interesting stats from today's paper; 1. There is only one team to get past the first round of the playoffs in the past four years...Cavs. 2. The top five defensive teams (points allowed) all made the playoffs with a combined regular season record of 285-185; Cavs, Spurs, Celts, Trail Blazers, and Hornets... The top scoring teams were the Suns, Warriors, Lakers, Knicks, and Pacers...their combined regular season record was 208-202...and was above .500 only because of the 65-17 Lakers, and only the Lakers made the playoffs.