Jif, I understand that you don't like guns. That's fine, this is America. There are a lot of bad things that happen here because we are free but that is also what makes this country great. You're free to have you opinion but until a majority feels the same way you do, you're just preaching to the wind. Most people here have expressed that they think Americans should have a right to own guns and most people in America as a whole feel the same way. Fortunately our rights are not taken away by a vocal minority. If they were then eating meat would be illegal too and fish would be known universally as sea kittens.
Mr Aquilla....sorry to disagree...there is absolutely no need for John Q Public to own a fire arm NONE ZERO NADA. Only bad things can/have happened with guns in the hands of citizens. Why should the public have them...so they can brag to friends that they have this kind, or that kind? How the country can be rid of them..I dont know..but we can only hope!!.
No apology necessary. I just feel like you're getting hung up on an issue that you won't change most folks' minds about. I haven't been replying to your posts here because I know I won't change your mind. I have answers to your questions but they are only my opinions and I doubt my opinions (even when supported by facts) would be enough to change your mind. So, why try?
Jiffy, until 2/3 of the people in 2/3 of the states feel as you do, citizens will have the right to bear arms, speak freely and assemble openly among other things that are protected rights in our Consitution - that most magnificent of governing documents the world has ever known. But I respect your right to disagree.....God bless America.
LOL the notion that banning citizens from carrying guns not only strikes out against everything in which this country was founded upon, but it would also NOT keep guns out of the hands of those who wish to do harm using them. Also, Tom's story does show that just on this board...good does come from private citizens owning firearms.
MACHISMO!! Ya thats the word I was trying to think of! ( thanks to a skybox e mail!!)..." Dont fool with me, I have a gun" LOLOLOL