I see where they caught the CRAIGSLIST killer. Its blowing my mind. The girl was not knived. The girl was not strangled...SHE WAS SHOT with a hand gun :evil: :evil: Who would imagine this :?:
some beast of a human being murdered and stuffed a little girl in a suitcase. maybe we should outlaw hands and luggage welcome back
It is such a shame that these things happen. That poor fellow was probably dedicated family man, volunteered at the local library and Humane Society, and a pillar of the community. That is until having a gun was forced upon him and he had no choice but to go kill girls who were on Craigs List.
Jiffy, if we banned everything that deranged criminals have used to commit murder, what would be legal? Do you want to start the list or should I? I can't thing of anything....your turn. I'm not a gun owner...but I do strongly believe in that thing we call the Constitution.....you've been in the cold too long my friend. You need some sunshine.....
Jiffy, STOP THE PRESSES! The answer is obvious......DONUTS! Geez......even donuts are not sacred. We're doomed.... Jiffer, bad guys will be bad guys no matter what they have in their hands.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, generally recognized as by far the most liberal appeals court in the country, has affirmed that the Second Amendment supercedes state laws, thus upholding a citizen's right to bear arms. Although I choose not to own a gun, I'm in agreement with this ruling. It's a fact, Jif. Like it or not, gun ownership is a constitutional right. I also agree with the general theme of the posts in this topic, humor aside. You simply cannot legislate a person's mindset. A person who is inclined to do harm to another person will use whatever means is at his/her disposal, including firearms, regardless of whether that means is legal or illegal. This "mindset" thing applies to gangbangers, bank robbers, terrorists, predatory med students, etc....etc...........
Sid, well said....eloquent and reasoned as always. Corey, as for your fork contribution......stick a fork in it! It's a weapon of massive destruction....Green Bay no less.....but he only got 16 years. Perhaps that's the secret..... Sorry Jiffy, I'm just playing with you....but it never ceases to amaze me how bizarre the things people can do....they don't need no stinkin' gun.
What do John Wayne Gacy, Richard Speck, Ted Bundy and Charles Manson have in commone. They killed dozens of people and never used a gun. Of course all the victims were unarmed and couldn't protect themselves.
Gentleman..this is BULLSH*T ! I dont care what the constitution ( which was written in the days of the WILD WEST) says. NOBODY should have a gun except law enforcement people. What purpose does it serve? Sure..I agree if a person wants to kill another...there are many ways to do it...but why make it easy for them with a gun? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Jiffy!! There's a difference between weapons and guns!! This is my weapon, this is my gun, one is for killin', one is for fun... ...GySgt Hartman
I would posit that it is much easier to kill someone with a car than it is a gun. With a gun, you have to aim and shoot... and then make a series of hits..or at least hit a vital organ. With a car, you just gotta run them over. I'd also say that a hammer, and sledgehammer are both easier ways of killing someone. I think the only benefit to a gun is that it allows you to kill at distance. You ever read the English news? Guns are not in the private sector there...and even with crime down recently, gun violence and crime is up like 40%.
I always get this one mixed up. Was it during Colonial times or the days of the Wild West? Was it ovah when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? When was the Torah written?
The "west" back then was Penn. The majority of the framers of the Constitution were from states on the East coast such as Virginia, NY. and oh yeah, Rhode Island.
Good news about a gun related crime from Detroit. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,25373476-12335,00.html Maybe I will move back to Michigan and open a store selling kevlar bras. JIF, Thanks for the history lesson. I can't believe what those friggen redcoats did to poor Custer.