Made me wonder when they started in the big leagues and who was the first to try them? I know, wierd question, but I just got back from Psych class. I haven't googled yet, so any ideas? I guess it would be a similar question Golf could ask huh? Moderators: I'm mentally exhausted, so feel free to delete this post should it not make sense or the top 10.
Ken Harrelson was one of the first players if not the first player, I think. Didn't have a batting glove made; just used his golf glove. I'll google it.
Why would I delete it? Good question and I think Rick is right, I'm waiting to see what he gets from Google.
According to Wikipedia, Hawk Harrelson was the first to wear gloves during the regular season. Their is some confusion on the year but it was during the 60's. Bobby Thomson of the New York Giants wore golf gloves during spring training in 1949. PJ in Jersey
I recall a player who was a good base stealer who would put a glove on once he reached 1st base. He often went in head first and used the glove to protect his hand. Anyone else recall who that was?
Yeah, Wikipedia needs to do a better job of cross-referencing. From Harrelson's page... "Harrelson is often credited with inventing the batting glove by wearing a golf glove while at bat with the A's; however, Peter Morris' book A Game of Inches says the batting glove may have been used as early as 1901 by Hughie Jennings, and were definitely used by Lefty O'Doul and Johnny Frederick of the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1932, and later by Bobby Thomson in the 1950s. Morris does credit Harrelson with reintroducing the batting glove in the 1960s." I looked up A Game of Inches, and it looks like a good read. It's described as a two-volume set detailing the innovations that shaped the game.
Wow, you guys really get to diggin' don't ya? :lol: Thanks guys. I was just overly tired last night Bill. Rick, that looks like a good read, I'll check it out. Gipper, what about golf? :lol:
Pete was a good base runner but not a good base stealer. I'm fairly certain it was not him. I was thinking maybe Lou Brock or Maury Wills?