Pitched last night for the Angels and was killed in a hit/run accident after the game. I don't really know anything about him but it's been awhile since a MLB player died during the season. Last one I can remember was the former Astro who was pitching for the Cards, Daryl Kyle. Adenhart
He was one of the top 50 young prospects in the game... Another Angel's tragedy.. How the hell do people follow this team? They make the Cubs and Sox woes look like nothing... I don't care what anyone says, this franchise is cursed.
Tonight's game has been postponed. Good move, Commissioner. ******* drunk driver - prior conviction for DUI and driving on a suspended license. This is a terrible tragedy - they all are - but I can't help but think of all the work this kid put in to get to this point, only to have it taken away by an irresponsible piece of ****.
Three fatalities and one critical. If there ever was a reason to make the death penalty apply to drunk driving fatalities, this is it. Ditto what Rick said.
I mentioned this on the back room but everyone was so concerned about firearms that nobody commented on it. Nobody ever does until someone dies. Auto accidents at the hand of drunk drivers is the leading cause of senseless deaths. In a few weeks, everyone will forget how devastating this act is and won't think about it again until the next person dies senselessly. I'll tell you right now. Many nights I still see the faces of the ones that were killed that we scraped up off the highway. You just don't have a serious bad taste in your mouth about things like this until you work in EMS for a while. It is predictable and preventable.
How was that stereotyping? It is a fact that alcohol is a problem in this country... a problem that kills. Oh, I see... It is not the alcohol that kills people. People kill people. I think I have heard that somewhere in another debate. :wink:
Wow. You really kicked that strawman's ass. Stating that "everyone will forget how devastating this act is and won't think about it again until the next person dies senselessly" is stereotyping. You know, lumping everyone into one group and presuming to predict their behavior?
it is people that kill people. period. But back on topic, this is just a terrible and tragic loss. His family must be devastated.
Rick did you watch last nights game and the tribute they paid to him.... I cried right along with all the others in the stands according to the newpapers and the local news the DA's office is going to charge him w/ three counts of murder since he already had a few convictions on DUI ... for being drunk as well as carring pot in his car....The other families are all in everyones prayers ...