The Irish will be 68$/ per ticket in 2009 As recent as 2000 they were barely over 30$ per ticket. They will sell out all the games. I wonder where the price is that the fans will finally say too much?
I will drive 12 hours each way to go to a Notre Dame game for the campus experience and the continuation of family tradition and a love for the Irish. I would not pay that much to see any other college team or stadium. The pros? If you see me at any professional sports event you can rest assured that someone gave me a set of corporate tickets. That's the only way I'm going.
Gator season tickets are $224 for 7 games plus booster fees. I think some of the tickets are a bit more expensive than others. I just paid $913 including booster fees and a small handling fee for two season tickets. There is no way I could get new tickets for the same price, right now you would have to pay $3,000 or so per ticket in booster fees to just be considered for season tickets. If we would give ours up there is no way I would ever get them back. We have the tickets with two of our daughters and their husbands and like George it's a tradition for us with to go to the games together. However with our increased distance and each of them having two kids of teenage and just below teenage years it has become very difficult for us all to go together. Last year with my leg injury I only made two games and one of them was the Georgia game which isn't included in the season ticket package. I don't know where we get priced out of the market, but there seems to be a waiting list for tickets.
With no job yet I considered giving mine up and I have had them for 18 years. two cost a comparatively bargain total of $613.00 including booster fees and last year just the Miami game alone brought me $500.00 for the pair on Stub Hub and when I checked Stub Hub this weekend a pair of season tickets in my section were going for $1800.00.....each! Thankfully I re-upped at the last minute and it's especially important to me now because I plan to be living in Florida....probably Tampa next fall if not in as little time as a month from now.
I hope it works out for you Dave. When you said you were thinking of parting with them, I am glad to see you stopped to reconsider.. at least to resell them and make some coin for you and your family. who knows? maybe one of these days I will try to take a pair off of you.
I wouldn't pay $1,800 for Tickets if my own Kid was playing. That's ridiculous. BTW Dave, did Jiffy get you a referall in Tampa? 8)
AJ, if you were referring to my tickets, the $900 was for two tickets not each. However like I said if you were to get them new today it would be closer to $6,000 for two tickets. Dave, like Corey said you can sell them as a package for more than you are paying for them. If you want to know one that I've used for single tickets and referred a season ticket holder to e-mail me. Don't let them go though. Hey the move to Tampa, a job or just moving there to look?
I wish I were as lucky as you guys... mine go WAY over yours, and WE SUCK! Thanks AJ for sending Dollar Bill my way! :twisted: For the record. I have two tickets. $450 each ($900 total) I'm also required to pay $450 donation for each. BTW... that does NOT include the Arkansas game in Dallas... I can't wait to see the results of these prices and this economy. Kyle Field could be a ghost town...
That comes out to 128.00/ticket and yours are in the Zone right? Does the donation requirement go up if you have sideline seats? The 68$/ticket for ND assumes you got them through the Lottery which is how most ND grads get their tickets, and that requires a 100 donation (not per ticket just 100$). They do sell season tickets as well, not very many, I think 20K or less go to season ticket holders. I don't know what the requirements are for season ticket holders. I'll have to ask my nephew.
Thanks Bill and Corey on the offer to buy. I'll keep all that in mind. I have plans...may know more today or by accept a job offer in Tampa so I may get to go to more than one or two games. I figure if I sell 3 or 4 and go to the rest I can wind up going for free and that would be a pretty good deal obviously. Bill, mine were 448.00 also but my per seat contribution must be only 75.00 each. All I know is that the total they charged me was 613.00 and even that, beginning with last season is much higher than I was used to paying.
The above is from Terry in another topic....meant for this topic and I have to say I agree with him. I hope the Gator ticket office doesn't read this but man we have been getting a huge deal for years compared to Michigan for instance. They sell the same kind of seats I have at UF for maybe around $900.00 least. Most seats are about $1200.00 each or higher I believe. The difference is I still have some price protection grandfathered in but as Bill says if I dropped them and tried to pick them back up next year I would be screwed paying the higher prices.
The campus experience on game weekends at Notre Dame is really special and that makes trip worthwhile. The actual game experience is usually less satisfying for a number of reasons. The crowd tends to be very sedate, like a theater crowd. The stadium seats 80K but should only seat maybe 65-70K as these are the smallest bleacher seats I have ever seen. And the stadium amenites are pretty much non-existant. I could not see myself paying much over face.
I have been to one UM-ND game in South Bend....and I can agree with the above assessment. Michigan Stadium is the same design and unless they have changed the amenities lately not much more comfortable. At the Swamp my seats are in the newer North Endzone and that area is actually pretty nicely remodeled and pretty decent.
Terry, Kyle Field is subdivided into about a hundred different donation "levels" depending on type of seat, and location. Mine are in the Zone, but are elevated and armchair thus the higher required donation. Sideline seats vary on required donation. The closer you get to the 50 the more you pay. Same with elevation. The upper 3rd deck and lower first deck don't pay as much as the middle level seats. I do have pretty slick amenities since my seating area is only 10 years old. It's got huge bathrooms and tons of vendor areas. I can even take the elevator up if I don't feel like walking. I just wish we had SHADE for the day games!!
At the Swamp that is a huge factor. In my seats for a 3:30 game in September you have shade by approx. the middle of the second quarter and that is a huge plus. Doesn't work for a 12 pm start though and I will not go to another one of those if I can help least not in September.
George is probably right with regards to the Stadium. By modern standards it's not much. But then I've been to Wrigley Field and by modern standards it's not much either. But Cubs fans would be pretty unhappy if they tore it down and built a new palace like Yankee Stadium, or the new Mets field. I'll bet the Red Sox fans would feel the same. ND fans for the most part would not be happy with anything that changed the character of the stadium. I don't think they'd like putting in an upper deck and luxury boxes or stuff like that. It's just the fact that it's ND stadium and when the team is good the crowds are good. I was at several big games during the Holtz (USC '89 and Miami 90') and the place was rocking. Terry
I love Fenway and wouldn't want to see it replaced, despite the tiny seats in some areas, obstructed views and absoutely ratty bathrooms. Wrigley is the nicest of the old ballparks. I want to visit it again soon - go to a day game, have a dog and an Old Style.
I agree with both George and Terry on the character of the stadium and the comportment of the crowds. I can't imagine ND playing home games anywhere but right there. With the millions of dollars being spent on strengthening the stadium's infrastructure, there is no chance that there ever will be another stadium in my or my kids' lifetimes. Re: the crowds. At times over the years, I've been upset with the complacency of the crowds. At other times, like Terry said, the stadium has rocked so much you could not hear yourself talk. I'll never forget how ND ticketholders sold out to the avid and persuasive Nebraska fans several years ago. I had two tickets on the 50 to that game that I could have gotten $500-$1,000 for, but I would never have considered selling them to the opponents' fans at any price. I gave them to my son and daughter. That ND fan sellout will remain my craw forever as an an unfortunate example of why our crowds tend to be inconsistent in their level of enthusiasm. I guess it's a function of expectations, which haven't come close to being met since the Holtz era.
Which reminds me that in my one and only visit to Wrigley I had the same feelings. My friends said why would I want an Old Style? They pointed out that in our section that there were something like 4 or 5 vendors with beer and only 1 of them was Old Style the rest were Bud and Miller Lite Vendors. I had an Old Style, just one wasn't all that good.