This is why I don't care for the WBC. Oswalt has missed his regular spring work and likely is out of sync right now and will struggle to get going for the regular season.
I was surprised at trash talking during the game. I'm sure that after one of the many Japaneese players scored, he turned to our catcher and said, "And your cars suck, too." :wink:
Our panty waste performance in the WBC just doesn't hold water. I guess Americans are only affected by the woes of reporting to spring training and having to play a major league season. We're a bunch of blowhards.
My route to and from work goes through Elysian Park and right by Dodger Stadium. I knew last night would be trouble for evening commuters, what with the game starting at 6:30 and Los Angeles being home to the largest Korean population in the US and one of the largest Japanese populations in the US. (I won't even get into stereotypes regarding driving ability 8) ). Given the dilemna, I chose to leave downtown by driving north via Broadway, which any Angeleno can tell you goes right through Chinatown.
I see that the total attendance for the WBC was 801,408, up 8.7% from the last one. I wonder how many total games were played. I find it hard to believe that the average attendance of games played in the U.S. stadiums was 5 figures.