POSITIVELY :!: :!: I dont agree with u often...But if this SEAL ran for president... I would actually vote for first time in 50 years :!:
JIF, anyone that voted for Obama, or who hasn't voted in the last 50 years, has absolutely nothing to complain about during the next 4 years.
I voted for Ventura for Governor as a resident of the state of MN. I liked the guy quite a bit. You couldn't really bitch about high state taxes because if they over-taxed (which they did), he gave it back. The media hated him. Dear God did the media hate him. The Al Franken type of Minnesotans just detest him like they need air to breath... But if I had the choice of Obama and Jesus Republican and Ventura... I'd vote for Ventura... twice
So, truthfully, if you knew that your vote would be wasted on someone that could not possibly be elected outside the confines of Minnesota, and by voting for Ventura, gave Obama a better chance of winning, would you make the same decision again?
I can only be held accountable for my vote. If left with the choice of a gosh darned Communist and a Fascist, I chose the wrestler. Some may say my vote is wasted, but I'd bet you that most people voting for the communist and the fascist are simply following the corporate logo..I actually listened to what all 3 men had to say. Besides, I think he'd carry both Dakotas and Wisconsin too There is a long way to election day. I flat out called the candidacy and potential election of Obama back when he spoke at the Democratic Convention 4 years ago. It was clear then that the big money in that party was getting behind him... Everyone laughed then. Much the same way that I warn those Obamabackers now that their boy is in big trouble if he doesn't change some things... Now they laugh at me.. the GOP has a lot of shitty candidates.. that's just the fact of the matter. They need to get a candidate that wins the discussion on the issues.. The candidates that are wrapped too deep in the Jesus cannot and will not win future battles on social issues.