Gang, I renewed the bracket from last year which automatically pulled up everyone that was in last year. As long as you remember your Yahoo account, it should automatically show up in your fantasy sports section. If not, or if you were not in last year and want to join, go to: Join group id: 27212 use the password: br549
Tennessee is in a rebuilding year but what the heck... you want to start it? Is there one to start on Yahoo or anywhere else?
Hey make a note. Right now I've got 2 extra tix for the semi and final games. At some point, I'll have to part with them.
I know BDR is in and his nickname is coachlovato...I googled it to see who Coach Lovato was and why BDR was paying tribute to him and this is what I came up with... coachlovato Sort of puzzling. Also who is NHood?
I can't seem to fill out my bracket.....I keep getting an indication of "done - but with errors on the page" as it's bringing up the relevant web
BT, I'm not seeing any problems on my end. You still have 25 hours before it closes. Try accessing from another computer or simply access it later today. If all else fails, send me an e-mail with your login and your picks and I'll try from this end.
Yahoo must be having the problem. In my other bracket contest, no one is allowed to fill it out correctly, it just messes up. So it is happening to many right now....
It may be a timing issue. I filled mine out as soon as it became available. Maybe something happened after that point. I will investigate.