Au contraire, my Astro-loving friend. It's vice versa. This is what the Dodgers have been offering all along following their early withdrawal of a slightly longer term (3 years? 2 yrs. plus a 1 yr. option? I can't recall). Manny is caving to the Dodgers after finding out that nobody else wants him. Heh-heh. I don't question that in this goofy market he is worth that sum, but based on his past issues, he is not deserving of a long-term contract. The Dodgers didn't blink on that aspect. Now the question is, will he play or pout?
As I recall Manny's original demand was a 6 yr. $160 mil contract. He got 2 yrs. and $45 mil. And the Dodgers caved?
Well the Dodgers offer was 1 year 25 mil, and 20 mil option on the 2nd maybe this wasn't the biggest cave by baseball management in history. But still they doubled their contract length and are now on the hook for 20 million more dollars where as previously they could say see ya after the 1st year.
I think I was wrong in believing that the Dodgers at one time had offered more than two years. I was corrected at lunch by a fellow baseball junkie. Whatever the case, the one who caved was the agent after determining that no one else was interested.
One other point on the contract. Payments are deferred over 5 yrs. with no interest. Hell by the time the Democrats jack up taxes and cause terrible inflation with this insane spending, he'll end up with much less.
I wouldn't let Manny wash my car for 45 million He oviously needs that money coming down to the end of playing days. Question is, what other skills does Manny have after retirement? He comes accross as an Ignorant person to me, with no real marketable skill other than AA scout back home.
The Dodgers handled this as well as I can remember anyone handling a monster headed talent in recent years... If Manny can have another year like last one, the Dodgers will be tough.
Secret Message to everybody but AJ. As a thanks for him putting together the KC trip, I suggest we suprise him with this.
:lol: Dodgers didnt cave in Manny did ..... the contract payable over 5 years ..... heard manny came back/ the McCorts pulled all offers last weekend and were looking to other avenues (dont need them we have a good young staff) basically here everyone was tired of him and la fans just didnt care anymore .... Manny came back .. there were alot of other clauses to but he came back after McCort sd no more and pulled the offer cant wait to see the new Arizona facility looks like a quick road trip may be necessary .. PS Manny still have to pass his physical ... McCOrt is not going to make his life easy
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