Since Merrill Lynch had a 21 billion dollar operating loss for the 4th quarter can you just imagine if they didn't have all of that "top talent" on board that led them to such a could have been worse without these Wall Street wizards on staff. So....ML decided along with assistance from BOA and TARP money to get the billions in bonuses paid to all of their top executives because they so deserved it and who would want to lose talent like this? :lol: :cry:'re not going to have to imagine for long. My fund, private equity funds, hedge funds, foreign banks, asset management companies ala mutual funds, boutique investment banks, insurance companies, entrepreneurial start-ups,etc are hiring the good ones daily.....don't worry about the "top talent", the companies the taxpayers have an interest in won't have any.....everybody else is hiring them hand over fist even as we speak.....good luck in your endeavours. Thank you and the President for the leads.....aka penny wise and pound foolish. Carry on bashers...... :shock:
well as we sit here hearing over and over again about the new "transparancy" of this administration, Democrats are huddled up, outside the view of the American people deciding how to spend this massive amount of porkulis. Apparently in the Senate version there was a tax incentive for home buyers. That apparently is being taken out. After all why would these environmentally crazed liberal idiots think that the housing crisis is important and that this proposal might actually help. There also is a provision for tax breaks for car buyers. Out. After all, preserving American jobs isn't that important if it conflicts with more money for schools which is being reinserted into the bill. But they'll keep having their hearings with bankers and getting their delusional stooges to fixate on Wall Street bonuses instead of what they're doing works. Next week, it could be time to bring in A Rod. We could be working on reducing our dependence on foreign oil but since the Secy. of the Interior yesterday reversed the Bush admin. lifting of the ban on offshore drilling we might as well get back to Wall Street bonuses. After all, that's the only thing that the ranting mob cares about.
I can vouch for this. I have friends and family friends who have left some of the recently bashed institutions for greener pastures. Some have gone to smaller, more aggressive employers while 2 have gone to foreign investment companies... These aren't grads of the local CC either. 3 of them are from UPenn's Wharton school. Others from Cal, Virginia and a solo from Notre Dame. I am sure you'll be relieved that these unqualified people will be moved onto other places. Gip: So no money to serve as an incentive to buy houses or cars... but we're back to school lunches.. that the state is suppose to supply and fun anyway.. Is that what we're talking about now?
Are you certain of this? That would kill me as I am planning on selling and buying within the next year and that would be a great, great boost to me., not remotely close. Those that are leaving are the most highly skilled, highly educated and highly motivated of the group. Many are among best and brightest that our country has to offer..... Logically, they are the ones in the highest demand and the ones with the greatest opportunity. The misguided notion that those companies are better served as a result of the departure of this talent and the taxpayer feels good about is the height of stupidity....the giant sucking sound you hear is the talent leaving the demon firms going across the street or across the sound to the non-regulated firms.....keep up the good work. You're expanding my talent pool daily. I personally know of many that have left, are in the process of leaving or are considering leaving and am getting ready to hire. Of course, it's happening..... The demagoguery, the class warfare and the demonization of this industry will have meaningful effects.....economic and social, not all of which are good. It has gotten to absurd levels..... That article is absolute b/ a little research on good old Henry for me and tell me he doesn't have an ax to grind. There is a misguided notion that these bonuse are going to "top executives". That is wrong....I know of no "top executive" in any public Wall Street firm that is getting a bonus.....if anybody knows anything different, show me the names.......I'll show you dozens of top executives that have had their net worth decimated.
No I'm not. I'm just going by what the news networks have been speculating on. Since there is absolutely no transparency as to what's going on, few really know.
The good news is that we will be getting these..... $300,000,000 worth of "green" golf carts F*ckin idiots!
.....this one has got to be near the top of the list... Stimulus has $30M to save Pelosi's harvest mouse
The reason it was taken out was that it was highly criticized as just a tool for rich people to flip their's it feel to be one of those people!!
The one thing that could have been a real boost to the housing market and they can't leave it in there.....out of 800 billion.....jeez....what will they think of next. What a bunch of buffoons. :x
This is pure camp Pelosi from the article linked above: So let us get this straight. 1. They claim that the assertion that Pelosi's long standing pet project is receiving 30M is a fabrication by Republicans. 2. They claim that she has no involvement in the initiative... I guess the Speaker of the House and Grand Democrat party poobah means she has nothing to do with these bills? 3. They then admit that 'restoration is key to economic activity'...... WTF
From what has been reported there is a $8,000 credit for first time homebuyers and the sales taxes on autos will be deductable. I don't know how much will be spent on preventing STDs in the harvest mouse.
Corey, this is world class theater going on here.....I want everybody to sit back for a second and take a look at our congressional leadership. Has there ever been in anybody's lifetime here a more incompetent congressional leadership? Are you kidding me? Reid? He couldn't lead a whore to the bedroom.....Pelosi? She wouldn't know what to do once she got has happened to our country! And we expect these fools to lead us out of this mess?????? May God help us....
T I gotta ask.....for these astute people moving to greener pastures is the law of supply and demand in play?
Always Whob, always. This one will play out as follows....those enterprising leaders who cap compensation and take back that which has already been earned will be well supplied with the talent that is not in demand. They will have nothing to fear but mediocrity itself..... 8) btw, you still owe me a beer....or is it the other way around? :wink:
I would be inclined to agree with you but unlike Corey I don't think this bunch has been in charge since 2001.