Has anyone on the Skybox read about this possible rule change? A story in today's Columbus Dispatch starts out as follows: The NCAA football rules committee said yesterday that it will consider a possible rule change that would allow a score to be nullified if unsportsmanlike conduct occurs during the play before the ball crosses the goal line. Apparently they are trying to eliminate taunting by a player on his way to a TD with the opposition in pursuit. Tressel said he would vote against the rule, as it is too harsh and not the job of the officials. He goes on to say it would behove the coaches of the taunting team to perform the discipline measures. Don
Ugh....I hate taunting, but I don't think it should nullify the TD. Don't know how you get players to stop showboating or taunting, but this isn't it.
No way. That's overboard. Assess a 25 yard penalty on the PAT or ensuing kick-off - opposing coach's choice.
You know I think that the head coach should be fines 10K for each instance of showboating or taunting, instead of the current penalty or the proposed penalty. That would stop it immediately.
No way this should go through. It would allow a ref to directly change the outcome of a game. Not good for them or us...
The present celebration rule is applied so inconsistantly that it is almost worthless, let's not make it worse by adding another piece to it. :x
I'm a staunch proponent of the current rule, and I like Rick's suggested revision, but to consider taking points off the board is beyond absurd IMO.
Here is a link: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/football/ncaa/02/11/coaches.ap/index.html I hate the very idea of this change....in fact I hate the rules the way they are currently enforced. When Tim Tebow...he of righteous faith and politeness was penalized 15 yards for a half-assed Gator chomp vs. OU then you have to say enough is enough. Also in that game an OU player earlier gave a first down signal and was not penalized and Louis Murphy of Fla did the same and did receive the 15 yarder. Oh...wow....a first down signal....how in-your-face is that? That would piss me off to no end if some yahoo did that in front of me by golly. Heck....I would rather they say something about my momma than give a demonstrative first down signal. Idiots..... :roll:
Celebration and taunting are two different things. I'm not much for celebration penalties. Individual taunting, particularly during the play, is a different situation altogether.
Tebow knew he was taunting that player, he was the kid who'd said something like he didn't think Tebow was all that good or something...but Tebow also knew the game was over and didn't care if he got the penalty. So half assed or not he clearly went after that kid and got the penalty he deserved. I doubt he would have done that when the game was still on the line. But clearly those celebration penalities are very unevenly enforced and it pisses me off to see you're guy get the penalty for the 1st down sign then watch it done in several other games without penalty.
I don't like taunting either, but I have seen some pretty ticky tack calls for taunting. Taking away a score is way to harsh. I like Rick's rule.
Unfortunately in our sports oriented society, me has become supreme, starting out in the pros and now filtering down to the college and high school ranks. It needs to be checked, but the afore mentioned rule changes do not meet the criteria as far as I am concerned. Of course you have to realize I am a senior and very conservative in my beliefs! Don
I have no problem with taunting as long as they aren't throwing the football at another player or running up in their face and doing crap. But a little celebation is fine. They are trying to take the fun out of the game.