ESPN announced that the MU vs NU game on Oct 8 will be a Thursday night game in Columbia, MO. That gives me 8 months to perfect my HMHF costume, invade enemy territory and get the 15-minutes of fame Andy Warhol promised me. Maybe I should dress up like a Big Red Train? My wife and kids have already told me they're staying home, what a bunch of losers....
I think you should go for the full body shave and red paint job, then just wear some tennis or workout shorts to the game. Put a big white N on your chest.
Hey didn't the S guy get the memo? It's all RED!!!! I would suggest not wearing the yellow phallus though!
I was reading through ND/Louisville thread over on the Louisville Scout site and one of the best posters had that as his signature, and Marine Corp Flag as his avatar. I really liked it so I thought I'd put it over here for you to see. I wish we Navy guys had something cool like that!