Well everbody knows that Torre is going to dish a lot of dirt on the Yankees when his book comes out. But can you believe this one? Tonight on drive time sports the host said he has it on good authority that one of the passages will be on Roger Clemens. Get this his big game ritual as a Yankee was to sit in a hot tub, as hot as he could stand it. Then when he got out he'd be beet red, and he would have the Yankee trainer (not the guy who has the dirty needle another guy) rub the hottest linament (Ben Gay?) on his testicles and stand there snorting lke a bull...then he was ready for the game. LOL....If I was the trainer the first time he asked me to do that I'd quit.
Was the Ben Gay rub supposed to increase testosterone, loosen a cramp, or convince him that even though he was a heavy juicer, he still had something in his bag? Man, I bet that was so irritating that you'd throw a broken bat at Mike Piazza just to let off steam.
We've heard most of the excerpts of interest over and over again on talk radio here. Pretty standard stuff with the xception of what Terry dug up. The feeling here among Yankee fans could be summed up as disappointment and surprise, not at anything Torre felt compelled to share with the writer but with Torre himself. The overiding question is "why?". He doesn't need the money. He enjoyed his greatest personal success with the Yankees. The team always gave him the tools to be a contender. The fans loved him. The only answer would seem to be revenge. So he burns his bridge to the team forever. He will never be invited back for old timers events or any other special ceremonies. He took a great chapter of his own professional life and the team's and traded it in for a little fleeting publicity and a paycheck. How would you like to be one of his current players? I'm sure the Dodger player are thrilled at the specter of reading about their clubhouse in a few years when Joe decides to write another novel. Like they say here, he came in as Clueless Joe, he left as Saint Joe and now, as the Post said, Joe Blows.
It was burned in the publics eye when he wasn't even on the big screen at the final game tribute. Joe and Roger left out....
:lol: Dodger fans hate the Yankee's so who cares ... They Love Torre now and the young players have alot of respect for what he can teach them big difference between the East Coast and the West Coast not only in the weather which is in the low 80's today