I'm calling on Monday (Jan 26th) to reserve group tickets for the ROYALS vs RANGERS game on Saturday, July 25th. I've gone back through all the replies from the previous thread and have listed all that have said YES and their projected companions. There are a couple of "Soft Commits" on this list. If your at least 50% sure you can make it, I'll go with that. Remember, we need at least 20 people to get a group rate. As of this post I have us being at 22. Hopefully this list will grow today and we don't have to worry about being borderline on our numbers. Stu + 1 AJ + 3 Cindy + 1 :wink: George Gipper + 1 Outbound + 1 BDR + 1 Gator Bill + 1 Sid Doc MCG BOBDA Coach
So, what's the story on the all-you-can-eat seats? Are we sacrificing location and access to suds for hot dogs and popcorn?
Funny you should mention that. I noticed today on the website that they have special pricing for group tickets in different sections of the Ballpark. You can get discounted tics for orders of 20 or more. The $32 tics are pretty good seats for the game. I invite everyone to go to the Royals Website and give me some feedback. The regular group prices are good seats (Middle section down right field line) and I'm positive (but will confirm) that we'll have access to suds and such.
You better be nice. The B!+c# kinda likes me and listens to my opinions on future employees. :twisted:
We can get Sections 221 HH and 223 GG which are next to and behind each other. With the deal the KC guy is offering me, it equates to $25 per ticket. At this point we have now 23 interested people. I have told the KC guy (Eddie) that I'll block out 25 for now. BTW, the reserve group tickets for a dollar doesn't work in this case (Their words, it pissed me off and I let Eddie know that) anyway, for those that are serious about going, please send me the amount that covers you and extra people you're bringing and I'll take care of the rest. AJ Martin 17000 Limestone Road Dixon, MO 65459 Oh, and sorry Gipper, they've done away with the all-you-can-eat sections except for the suites.
We'll get you your own personal beer page for the game Gipper....now shut your lips and send me the check will ya?
Been snowed in the last 2 days. Base is real picky when it comes to the weather. Have got caught up on a Ton of reading and my presentations and Final paper. I thought 10 hours would be manageable...they've stuck the firehose in our mouths and turned that thing on full blast!
...man that was fast, do you graduate soon? I guess getting your RN in prostate exams is a fast track degree!!
LOL!! No Doc, the Pysch is a 9 week class and I'm trying to frontload. I stay busy about every night for 2-3 hours. I take breaks, get on the SkyBox, slap the wife and kids around, then I'm back at it.
OK, here's where we're at so far. The seats I can reserve are usually season ticket seats and go for single games at about twice as much as we can get a group rate for. All SNAFU set aside, the $1 per ticket hold price they advertised (and won't honor....fauchers) turned into at least 50% down. So I figured that we might as well pay up front and get that over with. As soon as I get the majority of cash together from everyone, I'll get the tickets and then either hold them myself till gameday, or send them out by mail to everyone. We've got plenty of time (6 months) so we'll work it out. Any questions or suggestions, let me know!! I'm really starting to look forward to this!!