George, You think you know the real list, but I would venture to say that it is far, far longer than that. 77, Rant on!! I miss the old Celtics-Pistons, Lakers-Rockets fun times..
Forgot one of the all time favorites Raphael Palmeiro. Corey Do you think that the "long" list contained a number of players who really didn't want to shrink their nuts? Do you think many felt compeled to shoot up just to remain competitive with the other juicers?
Corey, Those are the ones that popped into my head as I was writing and after a couple of cocktails. I am sure it is more pervasive. The signs are easy to read in most cases. The physical changes are pronounced..... I could go on and on with countless other examples but you get the idea. You don't get those kind of gains in your 30's on just diet and exercise. Then you get the spike in stats.... Brady Anderson ( HRs in bold ) 1995 31 BAL AL 143 554 108 145 33 10 16 64 26 7 87 111 .262 .371 .444 110 246 4 2 4 10 3 1996 32 BAL AL 149 579 117 172 37 5 50 110 21 8 76 106 .297 .396 .637 156 369 6 4 1 22 11 MVP-9,AS Brett Boone ( HRs and RBIs in bold ) 2000 31 SDP NL 127 463 61 116 18 2 19 74 8 4 50 97 .251 .326 .421 94 195 0 7 7 5 11 2001 32 SEA AL 158 623 118 206 37 3 37 141 5 5 40 110 .331 .372 .578 153 360 5 13 5 9 11 SS,MVP-3,AS Then you have the spate of joint and muscle group injuries that surface unexpectedly and frequently because your infrastructure just cannot support the enhanced musculature of a naturally larger man. These injuries ( ligaments, sprains, pulls ) eventually take their toll . I would submit Gagne as a probable exhibit A. This problem really has been hiding in plain sight. Our collective love of the game blinded us or put us in denial but seeing is believing in my opinion.
Cammy....very sad story what happened to him. It was his own fault, but from his high point on the Padres to the depths he was at when he died was a long way and all greased by steroids and other addictions.
Gip, I believe guys do it because they are told that with 'new science' (ala Balco and other suppliers) that these aren't as harmful and that the risks are minimized. I think a great many guys are tempted. Some may have resisted initially but then you see guys put up the numbers and heal quicker and get bigger... You're talking about your meal ticket here for you and your family. It's the lure of the big buck... If someone told you that you could shave just 3 to 5 years off of your life but your family will never want for a single item ever again... would you take the plunge? I believe the numbers of those who actually used it at all, is far....far higher than we realize. And if we're going to take a 'round em all up' attitude then you better be ready to gut more than half the league. If I were to place a bet on it... during the hay day of its usage, I'd put the number anywhere from 60 to 70% of the league has tried it at some point in time. I wouldn't be shocked if the number were higher but I'd be damned shocked if it were any lower. George, You're making my case for me The clues were all out there for everyone to see but we spent 10 years debating the tightness of the baseball.